*Install Internet-in-a-Box 3X Faster on Raspberry Pi 4*

*F**or Rural Schools, Libraries and Medical Clinics*

When clickbait-driven misinformation puts journalism, human rights (and
democracy itself) at risk — where do we turn?

Communities around the planet are taking the future into their own hands —
crafting their own purpose-built digital libraries to...

*Bring essential / endangered / indigenous knowledge and learning rights to

*Announcing Internet-in-a-Box 7.0 — with offline Wikipedia, offline Khan
Academy, RACHEL content packs — and tons more...*

   - Pick a subset of the Internet Archive Offline
   some of the greatest libraries around the world.
   - Install an IIAB Map Pack <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-Maps> for
   your favorite continent, with satellite photos across 10 levels of zoom,
   and natural/human geography visible across 15-to-19 levels of zoom.
   (OpenStreetMap vector maps are like Google Maps, but better⁠ for schools
   especially⁠, as they work offline and avoid the advertising!)
   - Involve MediaMaking tools⁠ like Nextcloud 17's offline collaboratives
   editor <https://youtu.be/Nr7cGN6ZJM0> (like Google Docs) helping
   students learn modern/team workflows.
   - Explore electronics projects with Node-Red 1.0
   <https://nodered.org/blog/2019/09/30/version-1-0-released> flow-based /
   event-driven visual programming.
   - Set up an "offline GitHub"
   <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/tree/master/roles/gitea#gitea-readme> to
   teach coding-with-a-conscience where there's no Internet, nurturing the
   next generation of free and open developers!

DIY'ing your own "Library of Alexandria" is that easy — for any local schools,
libraries, health clinics and/or family of your choosing.

Simply drag and drop the best of the World Free Knowledge Content Packs,
using Internet-in-a-Box installed on any $35 Raspberry Pi 4 computer:

*Building your own offline library is now easier than ever*

Thanks Everyone for weaving in the (g)local knowledge ecosystems that
matter most — both the Internet's crown jewels (Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap,
Khan Academy, etc) AND countless lesser-known environmental /
indigenous cultural
content vitals.

You can even update to the latest Content Packs, bringing your rural
Internet-in-a-Box into the city every semester, using almost any home
Internet connection e.g. to download the very latest Wikipedia etc!

Please read about Internet-in-a-Box 7.0's new capabilities making this all
possible: *IIAB 7.0 Release Notes*

And try it out, asking us

Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 7.0 represents 7+ months of work since IIAB 6.7 — and
we're very proud to offer this to you for free!

Thanks to some amazing free/open source work from professional volunteers
around the world
<https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-7.0-Release-Notes#credits>, who are
servicing and learning from the more than 20 countries
<http://wiki.laptop.org/go/IIAB/FAQ#Where_is_Internet-in-a-Box_used.3F> where
IIAB is in use, in partially offline and fully offline environments both.

And...if you're not yet familiar with Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB), watch our
videos to get acquainted: *http://internet-in-a-box.org

*Last but not least, consider our personal INVITATION...*

1) The Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) Community Summit will be in Boston November
7-10, in conjunction with Wikipedia North America's
http://wikiconference.org at MIT.  To attend, please reply privately to
this email, so we can help you make arrangements.  Building on our 2017
http://OFF.NETWORK <http://off.network/> "med/ucational" content hackathon,
we'll demo our new offline versions of
https://en.unesco.org/womeninafrica/ inviting
all to do similar, learning how easy it is to now *roll your own*
Content Packs!

2) Whether you're on the technology, humanitarian or field implementation
side of learning rights, do consider helping us refine the upcoming IIAB 7.1
<https://github.com/iiab/iiab/milestone/6>.  Here's a list of just a few of
the advances
being considered and worked on, that we'd really love your help
architecting and polishing for early 2020!

3) Join any of our Thursday Internet-in-a-Box Live Community Calls (
http://minutes.iiab.io) to learn about and contribute to everyone's
high-quality free and open knowledge ecosystems — typically held 10AM NYC
Time — in alliance with Wikipedia, Kiwix, OpenStreetMap, Kolibri (formerly
Khan Academy Lite) and amazing others~
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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