Permisi Bapak-bapak sekalian Berikut ini ada informasi berupa undangan One day Seminar Tuesday, September 10 th, 2002 Serbaguna Room Agency of Training and Education of Energy and Mineral Resources Building, 1st floor Jl Gatot Subroto Kav.49 Jakarta 12950
Advance Russian Technology "New Outlook for Cost Reduction of Oil & Gas and Mining Operations" program : -registration & coffee -Opening/welcoming speech (Dr. Purnomo Yusgiantoro) -Key Note Speechs (Rachmat Sudibjo, Alexander Y Voronin, Surna T. Djajadiningrat, Akardy S Lipkin) -Advanced technology in Oil Pollutant and Tailings 1. A new biotechnological Method for cleaning the wells in oil production industry and for ore deposits tailings 2. Technology for Elimination of oil pullutants, usiong biological agent biotemposcreen -Advanced technology in incresing oil & gas Recovery 1. Seismo-acoustic stimulation of oil reservoir for improving the oil recovery 2. Polymer-helium system temposcreen for stratum in inhomogeneous reservoir to increase oil production recovery -Succesful exploration discovery of Oil & gas and hard minerals Mohon konfirmasi siapa saja yang dapat hadir, IAGI mendapat tempat 4 orang gratis. sekretariat akan mendaftarkannya. trimakasih -ijul- IAGI SECRETARIAT Geologi & Sumberdaya Mineral Building, 4th Floors Jl. Prof. Soepomo, No.10 JAKARTA-12870, INDONESIA Phone/Facs : (62-21) 8370-2848 / 2577 email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit IAGI Website: IAGI-net Archive 1: IAGI-net Archive 2: ===================================================================== Indonesian Association of Geologists [IAGI] - 31st Annual Convention September 30 - October2, 2002 - Shangri La Hotel, SURABAYA