Daripada cuman ngomongin doank ... lebih baik aku bantuin bikin checklistnya
saja yah ...

Nah dibawah ini check list bagi temen-temen di Migas yang akan melakukan
prospect review ..... yang sering banget dilakukan seharihari.
Aku susun dari beberapa kali pengalaman kalau sedang review kerjaan sendiri
maupun kerjaan anak buah. Silahkan ditambahin kalau ada yg perlu ....
Aku bagi dalam 3 bagian

Semoga bermanfaat.


Presentation and Review Check List
by : rdp

In practical exploration/exploitation geoscientist activities most of them
will try to answer all of the questions regarding the prospects or lead that
they promote. Most of these review concerning :
- the geological sound (petroleum systems, plays and prospects),
- the bussines case (value and timing), and
- further opportunity (development, follow up).
The followings are check list that most of explorationists need to concern
before a group reviewing the projects of their work :

PART 1: General

PART 1:      Introduction: Scope of review
- Has the purpose of the review been clearly stated?
- Is the business case clear ?
- Is the timing of the review appropriate ?
- Are the appropriate people present?

Opportunity framework
- Are the permit obligations (area of interest/Concession) clear ?
- Have they been taken included in the work programme ?
- Have all the key milestones been identified ?

- Has all the necessary data been incorporated into the evaluation ?
- Are the data is verified and updated ?
- Has any new data been incorporated into the database ?

Regional geological framework
- Is there a clear understanding of the stratigraphic framework?
- Is the structural history of the area clearly understood
- Are the depositional models clear and their implications understood?
- Is the regional charge model understood?
- Is there evidence for basin and play success rates ?
- Is there a clear understanding of field size distributions ?
- Is there any analogue in other area ?
- What are the prerequisites for the study? Is it dependant on another

Material :
- Location map
- Concession map
- General Work/Project Schedule
- Production Forecast and Target
- Regional geological map
- Petroleum System Map (Play Map, Prospect and Lead Maps)

continue ...

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