Dear all,

Please find below the invitation to FOSI Open Discussion on the topic of Low 
Resistivity Pay. Please forward the email to anyone you know who might be interested 
to participate in the event.

Best regards,

Nila Murti

PS. Apologise for any double sending / cross postings.


FOSI (Forum Sedimentologiwan Indonesia / Indonesian Sedimentologists Forum)

A commission of IAGI (Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia / Indonesian Geologists 

will hold the following event: 


on Friday, 7 February 2003, from 5 pm to 7 pm

at Tamnak Thai Restaurant, Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto, Menteng, Jakarta

on the topic of Low Resistivity / Low Contrast Pay

with a presentation of a case study from BP (by BP petrophysicists)

as its name indicates, the event is an open discussion, therefore participants are 
encouraged to bring their own low contrast pay cases and petrophysically problematic 
projects to be discussed. To ensure confidentiality, well identity can be hidden. 

To book a place in the event or to offer another case study to be discussed please 
contact the following:

Nila Murti 

Ph. : +62 (0) 21 7182001 ext 5628

Fax : +62 (0) 21 7182010


The event is free of charge (courtesy of Baker Atlas) however please register early 
because to ensure that the discussion will be effective, participants are limited to 
20 persons. 




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