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kenapa kok disebut Borneo seeh ?

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Marine and Petroleum Geology 
Volume 19, Issue 7 , August 2002, Pages 873-900 

Sedimentology and diagenesis of Tertiary carbonates on the Mangkalihat 
Peninsula, Borneo: implications for subsurface reservoir quality 

Moyra E. J. Wilson, , a and Martin J. Evans, b, 1 

a Department of Geological Sciences, University of Durham, South Road, 
Durham DH1 3LE, UK
b Maersk Oil, 50 Esplanaden, DK-1263, Copenhagen K, Denmark 

Received 27 November 2000;  revised 13 July 2002;  accepted 22 July 2002. 
; Available online 11 December 2002. 

Combined field and laboratory studies of surface exposures on the 
Mangkalihat Peninsula, Borneo, provide new constraints on the 
chronostratigraphy, sedimentology and diagenesis of Tertiary carbonate 
deposits. The reservoir characteristics of carbonate facies are described, 
providing an analogue model for carbonate reservoirs in the subsurface of 
this region.

A mixed carbonate-siliciclastic shelf with intervening, probably 
fault-bounded, deeper water areas developed on the eastern part of the 
Mangkalihat Peninsula in the Late Eocene to Oligocene. During the 
Oligo-Miocene shallow-water platform carbonates accumulated over much of 
the area of the Mangkalihat Peninsula. This platform had a steep, 
reef-rimmed or possibly locally faulted northern margin, where high-energy 
conditions prevailed and marine cements were pervasive. In contrast, the 
platform interior was a low energy area, affected by leaching of 
aragonitic bioclasts. The best reservoir quality on the platform occurs in 
moderate energy grainstones and packstones, tens to hundreds of metres 
towards the platform interior from the platform margin, where a 
combination of primary intergranular and secondary mouldic porosity 
results in good porosity and permeability. 

Author Keywords: Tertiary; Carbonate platform; Reservoir; Diagenesis; 
Sedimentology; Facies; Indonesia 

1 Present address: Anadarko Algeria Company LLC, P.O. Box 576, The Atrium, 
1 Harefield Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 1YH, UK. 

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