
He has some questions...........
Question-nya seperti apa aku kok gak lihat.........Komentarnya malah jauh

Apa gak sebaiknya Prasetia lemparkan pertanyaan-nya dulu..dari pada tidak
mengena pada tujuan anda


Dear Sir,
My name is A.E. Prasetia Student of Petroleum Engineering Dept. UPN Veteran
Yogyakarta. I know your e-mail when I had seleceted to be 2001 IPA as
Student Presenter.
I have made a paper taking topic Underbalanced Drilling that will be
prepared  in 2003 IPA Convention but just theoretical study  for this
I need your information, may be you know who the engineer/superviser in
Drilling Team in your company  that involved in Underbalanced Drilling
Operation. I will ask some questions regarding my topics.
Thanks for your attention,
Best regards,
A.E. Prasetia

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