Reminder & progress report
Mahakam Delta Field Trip
3 days to go & Fully Book

The Modern And Ancient 
Mahakam Delta 
A Technical Field Trip for Geosciences Personnel 

  Re-scheduled from March 31-April 5, 2003
June 30 - July 5, 2003 
Leaders : Stefano Mora, Marco Gardini and Agung Wiweko (TotalFinaElf). 
Fee : IPA Members US$ 1350, Non-members US$1450  (including Jkt-Bppn-Jkt airfare, 
land/ sea transportation, helicopter, hotels, meals, refreshments and hand-out). 
Limit : 17 Persons (fully book)

The Modern Mahakam Delta is one of the best examples of a deltaic depositional 
environment that is both easily accessible for research and relatively undisturbed by 
large scale human activities. The subject of numerous studies and publications, the 
Modern Mahakam Delta is a mixed fluvial-tidal dominated delta developed since the last 
Holocene still stand approximately 5-6000 years ago.  The major depositional 
environments of the Modern Mahakam Delta including the delta plain, distributaries 
channels, the delta front and the distributaries mouth bars are accessible by boat.  
The distributaries mouth bars, which are exposed above sea level during low tide, 
present a unique opportunity to walk upon and make observations on the sediments and 
sedimentary structures of the mouth bar. 
The Ancient Mahakam Delta is exposed in large Miocene aged exposures in the vicinity 
of the city of Samarinda.  These outcrops reveal the ancient deltaic environment and 
allow for a comparison between modern and ancient delta features.  The presence of 
both ancient and modern deltaic depositional systems in the same locality presents a 
unique opportunity to more fully understand these complex and economically important 

On the evening of June 30 participants will fly from Jakarta to Balikpapan where they 
will stay in the Dusit Hotel.  The next day participants will travel by bus to the 
Mahakam Delta, over fly the delta by helicopter and travel by speedboat to stay in the 
Bumi Senyiur Hotel in Samarinda.  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be spent 
examining delta features and outcrops based from Samarinda.  At the end of Friday's 
field work participants will return to the Dusit Hotel in Balikpapan for the night 
prior to returning to Jakarta in the morning of July 5th. 

The IPA Modern and Ancient Mahakam Delta Field Trip is made possible by TotalFinaElf. 

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