Malaysia emang agresip ya ?
barangkali emang nasionalism seharusnya begitukah ?

Petronas Suspends Exploration Offshore Sarawak
Thursday, July 03, 2003

Petronas has suspended exploration and production operations in the disputed
Block L offshore Sarawak. The ongoing territorial dispute between Malaysia
and Brunei has caused other operators to also temporarily suspend operations
in the area. The disputed deepwater offshore site is part of an exploration
area both Malaysia and Brunei are trying to develop. "We will not start work
until the matter is resolved," Mohd Hassan Marican, Petronas President and
Chief Executive Officer said on the sidelines of the 21st Asean Energy
Ministerial Meeting in Langkawi, Malaysia. Petronas has completed an initial
survey of two blocks and drilled one well. The company has stopped work to
allow the two governments, Malaysia and Brunei, to sort out the dispute.
A production sharing agreement for the block was awarded in 2002 by the
Brunei government and was signed in April by Total, BHP Billiton and Amerada
Hess. Block J is within the Exclusive Economic Zone claimed by Brunei. The
EEZ stretches 200 nautical miles out from Brunei's shore, in a northwesterly
direction. Block J also overlaps Block L, exploration rights to which the
Malaysian government has awarded to Murphy Oil and Petronas Carigali. The
two sites are located next to the oil-rich Kikeh Block, which is already
operated by Murphy Oil and Petronas and estimated to have recoverable
reserves of 400 million to 700 million barrels of crude.

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