Makin hebring aja teman2 di Medco....


  Indonesian major makes $326m bid for Novus

Brendan Egan

Monday, December 22, 2003
Prominent Indonesian producer PT Medco Energi International has made a
$326 million offmarket bid priced at $1.74 for all the shares in Novus
Petroleum, which closed on Friday at $1.29.

The Novus board said in a statement this morning the offer is
unsolicited, "highly conditional and it is immediately clear the offer
does not take into account the underlying value of the company." It said
not to sell any shares until further details were available.

Novus shares opened at $1.77 on the news, with 3.8 million shares
traders by press time.

Medco made the bid this morning though lawyers Allens Arthur Robinson,
saying the cash offering was at a premium to recent trading
performances, 41% above the volume weighted average Novus share price
over the part 12 months.

Novus traded as high as $2.42 in April last year with the market
generally being disappointed with rate of exploration success since

The conditions set by Medco are run of the mill, as opposed to the Novus
board's position, with the Indonesians setting a 90% acceptance level
and needing Australian foreign investment approval and several other
standard corporate escape holes.

The twenty year old Medco is Indonesia's largest listed oil and gas
company with a market capitalisation in excess of US$500 million.

Medco said its intention, if successful, was to broadly maintain Novus'
asset portfolio and existing management including senior management. It
said it viewed the skills and expertise of Novus employees as a key

Novus said it would be releasing a further statement when it had more
information. Medco said the bidder's statement will be dispatched in

Click here to read the rest of todays news stories.


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