Dear Explorationist,


Considering so many enthusiastic response from previous participants of the course in 
200, 2002, 2003 we will be organizing the Fieldtrip and Workshop :

on February 16 - 19, 2004
Attached to this mail, we include the complete information about the course. Please 
have a look, and thanks for your attention. For whom interested in this course, please 
do not hesitate to contact us via this address, phone & fax if there is any further 


Warmest Regards,

GDA Course Committee

Phone : 021. 829 2539, 0816.1421213  
Fax     : 021. 829 2539
Contact Person : Hendrock, Rizkyani

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Course & Fieldtrip  

February 16 - 19, 2004
(start at 8 : 00 am Monday, finish at  4 : 00 pm Thursday)
Hotel Salak**** Bogor
(where you can relax in cool town during nights after course hours)
Andang Bachtiar (Independent)
(19 years experience in petroleum exploration in Kutai Basin)
Rp. 6.500.000,- 
include: course material, field gadget, lunches, 1(one) dinner at day 2nd , 
accomodation 4(four) nights stay at Superior room Salak hotel Bogor. 
(not include: transportation to Bogor)
Who Should Attend:
exploration geologists, development/production geologist, geophysicist,  reservoir 
engineers, log analyst, petrophysicist & coal geologist.

     Understanding sedimentology is one of the basic requirements to a success in oil 
& gas exploration.  Although it is hardly noticed, explorationists use lots of 
sedimentological principles and concepts in their daily exploration activity, i.e.: 
describing outcrop/core, interpreting logs and seismic, drawing reservoir maps and 
coal distributions, and ultimately calculating reserves of hydrocarbons and coals. 
This course is aimed to refresh the knowledge of basic clastic sedimentology with 
special reference to marine setting; the environment of which are associated with 
significant occurences of Indonesian hydrocarbons.
     Back to basic - Look at the rock: is the basic philosophy of the course. No 
matter how sophisticated the tools that help us (loggings, seismic, interpretation 
software, etc), the success of exploration is still depend on the geologist (and 
geology concepts) behind the tools.  Understanding sedimentology gained from this 
course will hopefully recharge the explorationist battery to keep on generating 
prospects (or at least new ideas) in dealing with the materials (cuttings, core, logs, 
seismic) and the tools (software's, etc). 
     For new recruits, this course will certainly equip them with necessary focus on 
selected sedimentology knowledge to be used in the future works; while for experience 
explorationists, this will refresh lots of their understanding about sedimentology, 
which probably already built-in intuitively (sometimes becomes obsolute) in their mind.
     This is the sixth time that a course of this kind (classroom, outcrop and resort 
combination) is conducted by GDA. The previous five courses on August, October 2001 
and March, September 2002 , and April 2003 were conducted at Gunung Walat Sukabumi 
with a subject on Fluvial-Deltaic sedimentology. They received many interests and good 
comments (see: comments at the end of this letter *). For this marine clastic 
sedimentology workshop, the venue will be in Bogor, which will be a combination 
between classroom lecturing and exercises, and field-outcrop-description at Cileungsi 
dan Cipamingkis Rivers.  
Over the course the following topics 
will be covered in detail :
Background, Aim of the course, Structure of the course, Expected results
Velocity, Laminar, Turbulence, Newtonian, Non-Newtonian, Hjulstorm Diagram, Bed forms, 
Flow regimes, Lateral accretion, Vertical accretion (progradation), Aggradation.
Sedimentary Structures
Laminae and Beds, Parallel, Ripples, Cross-beds, Massive, Toolmarks, Load Cast, HCS, 
Hummock & Swaley, Flame, Contortion, Flaser-wavy-lenticular, Clay doublet/couplet, 
Tidal bundle, Bouma sequences, Flysch.
Biogenic Structures
Bioturbation, burrows, trails, and grazing-dwelling-resting traces; Seilacher 
zonation, rhizocreetion: bioturbation by roots - paleosol.
Log Characters
GR/SP-Resistivity, D/N, Dipmeter/FMI, Sonic, Composite, Vertical profiles, Lateral 
variations, Anomalies. Exercises.
Facies & Depositional Environment
Definition, Barrier islands, Estuarine, Tidal Systems, Wave & Storm Shallow Marine 
Systems, Turbidites & Submarine Fans; Exercises.
Reservoir Characterization
Porosity, permeability, heterogeneity, homogeneity, dimension, lateral/vertical 
continuity, width/thickness ratio. Exercises
Sequence Stratigraphy
Sequence boundaries, Flooding surfaces, Paleosol, Coals, Lowstand System Tract, 
Highstand System Tract, Transgressive System Tract, Hard grounds, TSE,  Exercises
Outcrop/core Description Guidelines
Description-processes-facies(response)-depositional environment; Units, 
Geometry-dimension, Lithofacies (vertical profile), Contacts, Sedimentary structures, 
Biogenic structures, Fossils.  Field exercises 

Day 1 - Monday, 16  February  2004
08.00 - 10.00 Welcoming - Introduction 
10.00 - 10.15 Coffee Break
10.15 - 12.00 Classroom lecture (1)
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch at Hotel
13.00 - 15.00 Classroom lecture (2)
15.00 - 15.15 Coffee Break
15.15 - 17.00 Classroom lecture (3) 
Day 2 -Tuesday, 17  February  2004
08.00 - 12.00 Field lecture session (1)
                     Cileungsi River - Citeureup  
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch Box
13.00 - 14.00 Go to Hotel
14.00 - 18.00 Intermission
18.00 - 19.00 Dinner
19.00 - 21.00 Classroom lecture (4) 
Day 3 -Wednesday, 18  February  2004
08.00 - 12.00 Field lecture session (2) 
                    Cipamingkis River - Location 1
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch Box
13.00 - 15.00 Field lecture session (3)
                    Cipamingkis River - Location 2
15.00 - 15.30 Coffee Break & Discuss
15.30 - 17.00 Go to Hotel
Day 4 -Thursday, 19  February 2004
08.00 - 10.00 Classroom lecture ( 5 )
10.00 - 10.15 Coffee Break
10.15 - 12.00 Classroom lecture ( 6 )
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch at Hotel
13.00 - 15.00 Classroom lecture ( 7 )
15.00 - 15.30 Closing Ceremony
Course & Fieldtrip
Course Name    :  Marine Clastic Reservoir Sedimentology Workshop 
Date                 :  February  16 - 19, 2004
Tutor                :  Andang Bachtiar
Venue              :  Hotel Salak, Bogor
Price                :  Rp. 6.500.000
Attendee Name              : .....................
Company                      : ...................... 
Position                        : ..................... 
Department                   : ..................... 
Phone/Facsimile            : ..................... 
E-mail Address / Mobile : ..................... 
Payment Method : 
 Cash       Addressed to PT. GDA Daya Ayfedha 
 Transfer  Addressed to : 
     Bank Mandiri - Kalimalang A/C : 0060000432645  (  Rp ) 
Please fax / return this form together 
With prove of  payment to:
GDA Course Committee
Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam IV No.24 Jakarta 12820 Indonesia
Phone : 021. 829 2539, 0816.1421213  Fax : 021. 829 2539
Contact Person : Rizkyani, Hendrock


Several comments from participants :
..."very good course and field trip"..... 
..."the topic are very good and meet with 
our  expectation".. 
...." need more time to classroom and field course".... 
.." It's great course!, it's ready good to be back 
on the field,  make me  fresh again, because I see 
logs too much"...
..."I am recommended to continue the course topic 
to the other geologist".
..."need continue this course, karena bagi Geoscience yang tidak  sempat ke Delta 
Mahakam bisa ekskursi di Gunung Walat. I  will promote in my company".
..."ada kesempatan banyak untuk lebih mendalami endapan-endapan delta ditinjau dari 
sudut pandang field orientation"..

GDA Course Committee
Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam IV No.24 
Jakarta 12820 Indonesia
Phone : 021. 829 2539, 0816.1421213  
Fax     : 021. 829 2539
Contact Person : Hendrock, Rizkyani
"We urge you to reserve your seat as soon as possible, better be quick !  Seat 
availability is limited"

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