Masalahnya mungkin ada turbiditnya tapi apakah ada hc chargenya...? kalau 
enggak jadi turbidit tapi isinya water....

problem lainnya apakah patahan jadi seal atau conduit dari hc migrasinya 


Ferdinandus Kartiko Samodro
TOTAL E&P Indonesie Balikpapan
0542- 533852

"Rovicky Dwi Putrohari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
02/03/2004 09:51 AM
Please respond to iagi-net

        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Re: [iagi-net-l] Unocal Sees Success with Gehem-2 Well 
Offshore Indonesia

Tegak lurus Mahakam ini maksudnya sebelah timurnya Mahakam (sejajar 
sungai/progradasinya) ?

Kalau aku perhatiin dari present day topografinya sepertinya justru di 
sebelah utara mahakam akan banyak terdapat turbidit karena kalau dilihat 
strukturnya akan lebih banyak patahan di utara present day Mahakam Delta 
ini, ketimbang sebelah timurnya yg reltif "quite". Nah sebagai trigger 
(slope failure) tentunya fault ini dapat menjadi penyebab longsornya delta 

topset yg kaya akan source dan mungkin juga coarse sediment.
Jadi di utara Mahakam ini lebih bagus utk deepwater (turbidite) 
prospektivity ketimbang timurnya ... ya kah ?

>..... dan shelf-edge barrier reef atau knoll reef tipe Kerendan yang
>gas-proven. Hanya companies belum ada yang bermain di kedua objektif ini,
>mereka masih demam deepwater objective, padahal, belum tentu wilayahnya
>ada turbidit sebagus di tegaklurus Delta Mahkam ke timur...
>Pak Awang
>kalau baca presentasi dari unocal pernah dikatakan bahwa source hc untuk
>turbidit adalah debris coal/organic yang dibawa pada saat low stands ....
>nah kalau sistem barrier reef source hcnya dari mana ...? apakah dari
>endapan marine dari deep waternya atau sama dengan debris yang dibawa
>waktu low stand...?
>Ferdinandus Kartiko Samodro
>TOTAL E&P Indonesie Balikpapan
>0542- 533852
>Awang Satyana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>01/03/2004 01:59 PM
>Please respond to iagi-net
>         To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         cc:
>         Subject:        Re: [iagi-net-l] Unocal Sees Success with 
>Well Offshore Indonesia
>Sayangnya dan kelihatannya (paling tidak saat ini, yaitu saat belum
>fully-understood), yang terbaik dari deepwater Mahakam adalah yang tegak
>lurus dari Delta Mahakam ke arah timur, baik dari segi depositnya maupun
>petroleum charge-nya. Naik ke utara menuju Mangkalihat via
>Donggala-Papalang-Podi, atau naik ke selatan menuju Paternoster via
>Tanjung Aru, kondisi petroleum system tidak (belum diketahui ?) sebagus 
>Gehem-Gada-Gendalo-Ranggas areas. Tapi, makin naik ke utara, atau makin
>naik ke selatan, punya objektif yang tidak dipunyai Gehem-Ranggas areas,
>yaitu Eocene synrift tipe produktif Tanjung, dan shelf-edge barrier reef
>atau knoll reef tipe Kerendan yang gas-proven. Hanya companies belum ada
>yang bermain di kedua objektif ini, mereka masih demam deepwater
>objective, padahal, belum tentu wilayahnya ada turbidit sebagus di
>tegaklurus Delta Mahkam ke timur...
>0542-533765 - 0811592902
>"Rovicky Dwi Putrohari"
>02/27/04 12:25 PM
>Please respond to iagi-net
>Subject: [iagi-net-l] Unocal Sees Success with Gehem-2 Well Offshore
>Mahakam still not fully explored
>always has a chance.
>Congrat !
>Unocal Sees Success with Gehem-2 Well Offshore Indonesia
>Wednesday, February 25, 2004
>Unocal said its Unocal Ganal, Ltd. subsidiary has drilled a successful
>appraisal well at the Gehem field in the Ganal production 
>(PSC) area offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
>"The Gehem-2 well results show the primary zone of interest to have a
>single gas column of greater than 550 feet (168 meters)," said David
>Stangor, president of Unocal Indonesia. "This single zone has the
>potential to contain up to 1.5 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas."
>A drillstem test (DST) of Gehem-2 flowed at a daily rate of 31.3 million
>cubic feet of gas and 1,917 barrels of condensate. The zone was 
>from 15,362 feet (4,682 meters) to 15,523 feet (4,731 meters) true
>vertical depth subsea. The DST had flowing tubing pressure of 6,545 
>per square inch on a 32/64-inch choke. The test was constrained by test
>equipment capacity. The oil section was not tested.
>The Gehem-2 well was drilled 300 feet (91 meters) downdip of Gehem-1 and
>encountered 240 feet (73 meters) of net gas pay in zones penetrated by
>Gehem-1. Beneath those zones, 55 feet (17 meters) of net oil pay was
>discovered in a single zone. Gehem-2 was drilled in 6,036 feet (1,840
>meters) of water to a total vertical depth of 17,505 feet (5,335 meters).
>The well is located 1.8 miles (2.9 km) south of the Gehem-1 well in the
>Ganal PSC.
>The next well to be drilled in Unocal's deepwater program offshore
>Indonesia is a deep test on the Gula structure, a large anticline
>immediately south of Gehem in the Ganal PSC. Following Gula, the company
>plans to drill Gehem-3 in the second quarter of 2004 to appraise the
>northwestern flank of the Gehem structure.
>Unocal Ganal is operator of the Ganal PSC area and holds an 80-percent
>working interest. Eni-Ganal, Limited, a subsidiary of Eni, holds the
>remaining 20-percent working interest. Unocal said its Unocal Ganal, Ltd.
>subsidiary has drilled a successful appraisal well at the Gehem field in
>the Ganal production sharing-contract (PSC) area offshore East 

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