ini udah lewat 'audit' belum .......he  he he khan lagi musim audit di

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 01:42
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Shell makes "important" oil find (deep waters off
Malaysia's eastern Sabah)

> Deep water in South Eas Asia (SEA).
> Sepertinya SEA dapat menjadi frontier area utk deep water exploration.
> Setelah Unocal dengan Gehem semoga diikuti penemuan lain di region ini.
> =======
> Shell makes "important" oil find
> Mon 8 March, 2004 08:28
> KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Shell says it has made an important oil find in
> deep waters off Malaysia's eastern Sabah state in a joint exploration with
> state oil firm Petronas and U.S.-owned ConocoPhillips.
> The Anglo-Dutch major gave no output estimates or reserves in an embargoed
> statement it released on Monday on the discovery at the Gumusut-1
> exploration well, located in Deepwater Block J, northwest of Sabah.
> But an industry official linked to the exploration said it was possibly
> the biggest deepwater find in Malaysia.
> "The discovery is believed to be significant and believed to be the
> biggest such find to date in deepwater Malaysia," the official said. "It's
> too early to give quantitative volumetric estimates."
> U.S. energy firm Murphy Oil Corp found the first deepwater oil in Malaysia
> in 2002 in Sabah's Block K -- a four-million-acre (1.62-million-hectare)
> area with reserves estimated at 400 million to 700 million barrels.
> Shell said initial indications of crude charateristics at Gumusut showed
> oil which was light and of high quality.
> "These are still early days for Gumusut but this discovery is a key
> achievement," Shell Malaysia Chairman Jon Chadwick said in the statement.
> "Development will require that state-of-the-art technologies are deployed.
> The priorities are now to appraise the discovery and develop the field in

> a timely manner," Chadwick added.
> Shell SHEL.L said Gumusut-1 was drilled in a water depth of 1.0 km (0.63
> miles) and completed in December last year, after 80 days of drilling.
> The successful exploration well had "a long gross oil column in excellent
> reservoir quality rock", it said.
> Shell Malaysia and ConocoPhillips hold equal 40 percent stakes in Gumusut
> field while Petronas Carigali, the exploration arm of Petronas , owns the
> 20 percent balance.
> Malaysia is Southeast Asia's second-biggest crude producer, after
> Indonesia, with an average output of 600,000 barrels per day, as estimated
> by its national oil company Petronas.
> It is also the world's third-largest producer of liquefied natural gas,
> after Indonesia and Algeria.


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