BTW, kok kelihatan 'esmosi' banget sih tanggapannya.......he  he  he  he
kali kesel dia yah, kok masih ada (dan banyak...!) yang percaya teori


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 02:59
Subject: [iagi-net-l] IAGI-NET Sudah Go International (was:The Origin of

> Beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya surprise dan sedikit terkejut, karena
> posting saya di IAGI-net ada yang membaca di Qatar, oleh orang bukan
> Indonesia,
> dan memberi komentar tentang posting saya.
> Hari Jum'at kemarin lebih terkejut lagi, kalau ternyata posting saya ada
> yang membaca di RUSSIA !!!
> Memang hebat mailing list kita ini. Tapi ini tentu saja yang diluar 'junk
> mails' yang masuk ke mailing list ini, seperti yang nawarin bussiness yang
> tidak karuan.
> Anyway, silahkan simak komentar dari salah satu penganut faham abiogenic
> theory dari Russia.
> Salam,
> Teguh P.
> ----- Forwarded by Teguh Prasetyo/MAL/MOC on 06/28/2004 08:35 AM -----
>                       "J. F. Kenney"
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
>                       >                        cc:
>                                                Subject:  [iagi-net-l] The
Origin of Petroleum
>                       06/25/2004 11:18
>                       AM

>                       Please respond to
>                       JFK
> Dear Sir:
> I have just had brought  to my attention your page on a web site on
> which is discussed some notional  "debate" as to whether natural petroleum
> might somehow have obtained  (miraculously) from biological detritus in
> thermodynamic regimes of  temperatures and pressures found in the
> near-surface crust of the Earth.   Please understand that competent
> physicists, chemists, chemical engineers, and  all men (even) minimally
> cognizant of the constraints of fundamental physical  laws, particularly
> the laws of chemical thermodynamics, have rejected the notion  that
> petroleum might be spontaneously generating in such  regimes.
> For a very brief review  of these facts, I refer you to the article in
> the European journal Energia, published  in 2001: J. F. Kenney, I. K.
> Karpov, A. Y. F. Shnyukov, V. A.  Krayushkin, T. I. Tchebanenko and V. P.
> Klochko, "The constraints of  thermodynamics upon the evolution of
> hydrocarbons: The prohibition of  hydrocarbon genesis at low pressures,"
> Energia, 2001, 22,  18-23.
> In your web posting, you  have cited some of the traditional nonsense
> which used to be claimed to  constitute various sorts of "evidence" for a
> biological connection of natural  petroleum. Specifically, you have
> recited (parrot-like) the silliness  about the observations of optical
> activity in natural petroleum and the small  odd-even asymmetry of linear
> molecules. Both of these spurious claims (as  well as all others offerred
> as such "evidence") have been discredited more than  thirty years ago.
> 1.) The  observations of optical activity in natural petroleum
> constitute no  evidence of any biological connection whatever. To begin,
> the  optical activity observed in natural petroleum lacks, always, the
> homochiral  distribution of enantiomers which characterize such molecules
> that result from  biological processes. The distribution of
> optically-active enantiomers in  natural petroleum is always scalemic.
>   Furthermore, such optical activity has been observed in the
> clearly abiotic  petroleum fluids extracted from the interiors of
> carbonaceous meteorites.   Please understand that the ordinary, - and
> emphatically,  non-biological, - effects of pressure and density create
> type enantiomeric distributions which give rise to the optical activity
> observed  in natural petroleum.
>   When properly understood, the observations of optical activity in
> natural petroleum are powerful evidence for the high-pressure (i.e., deep)
> origin of petroleum. For further reading on this subject (which  you ought
> to have done before writing as you have done on the web), you are
> to the article in Physical Chemistry -  Chemical Physics published in
> 2000: J. F. Kenney and U. K.  Deiters, "The evolution of multicomponent
> systems at high pressures: IV. The  genesis of optical activity in
> high-density, abiotic fluids," Phys. Chem.  Chem. Phys., 2000, 2,
> 3163-3174.
> 2.) The  small odd-even asymmetry in linear molecules constitutes no
> evidence of a  biological connection for natural petroleum. Such is a
> common property of linear molecules bound by highly-directional, covalent
> chemical bonds. This property can be observed in the hydrocarbon molecules
> produced by the industrial Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. The origin of this
> phenomenon is simply a consequence of geometry of linear molecules
> with  the constraints of statistical mechanics, and was recognized as such
> more than a  half century ago.
>   Scientifically illiterate British and American geo-phrenologists
> continue to  make silly noises about "the odd-even asymmetry," hoping no
> one knows  better. Understand better that many men do know better.
> Since the notion of a  biological-origin-of-petroleum [BOOP] stands
> glaringly in  contradiction to fundamental physical law, there cannot ever
> be any "evidence"  that might support such nonsense, - and, indeed, every
> so-called  evidence claimed to support a biological connection of
> has been  thoroughly discredited. A review of this fact is written up
> also in the European journal Energia,  published in 2001: J. F. Kenney, Y.
> F. Shnyukov, V. A. Krayushkin, I. K.  Karpov, V. G. Kutcherov and I. N.
> Plotnikova, "Dismissal of the claims of a  biological connection for
> natural petroleum," Energia, 2001, 22,  26-34.
> You would do well to bear  in mind, henceforth, the words of the famous
> British scientist (not  geologist[sic]), Fred Hoyle, almost twenty years
> ago:
> âThe suggestion that petroleum  might have arisen from some transformation
> of squashed fish or biological  detritus is surely the silliest notion to
> have been entertained by substantial  numbers of persons over an extended
> period of  time.â -   Fred Hoyle, (1982).
> Sincerely yours,
> Dr. J. F. Kenney
> Russian Academy of Sciences -  Joint Institute of the Physics of the Earth
> Gas Resources  Corporation


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