Cross Borneo Field Trip:
Comparison of Sedimentation, Stratigraphy and Structure in Kutai Basin, East 
Kalimantan and Northwest Borneo


Date: Sunday, November 28 - Sunday, December 5, 2004
Trip Leaders: Angus Ferguson: Universiti Brunei Darussalam,

Peter Butterworth: VICO Indonesia, 

Joseph Lambiase, Chris Morley: Universiti Brunei Darussalam


The eight day field trip will examine the sedimentology, stratigraphy and structure of 
the Miocene sediments in the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan and compare these to the 
similar age sediments in Northwest Borneo in Sabah, Malaysia and in Brunei. The 
outcrop examples are equivalent in geological facies to the reservoir rocks in the 
nearby producing fields. 

There are many new outcrop examples of sediments deposited in deep water, tidal flat, 
shoreface, deltaic and fluvial dominant depositional environments. There are also 
outcrop examples of structures that develop in the cores of previously overpressured 

The field trip will provide an opportunity for open discussions on the interpretations 
of these different depositional environments.


Field Seminar Schedule

Sunday, November 28

4:30 pm: flight Jakarta to Balikpapan, stay at Dusit Hotel, Balikpapan



Monday, November 29
7.30 am  Participants board bus for morning outcrops in Balikpapan

Outcrop 1: Balikpapan, Gunung Malang, Lower Middle Miocene, fluvial/deltaic dominant 

Outcrop 2: Balikpapan, Bukit Damai Indah, Middle Miocene deltaic sands 

Outcrop 3: Balikpapan, Gunung Pancur oil seep

Lunch and checkout of hotel

drive to Samarinda (3 hours)


Outcrop 4:  Samarinda, lower Middle Miocene deltaic deposits

check into Bumi Senyiur Hotel, Samarinda, 


Tuesday, November 30
7:30 am  Board bus for outcrops north of Samarinda, along new Samarinda - Tenggarong 

Outcrop 5:  Separi Anticline 1: turbidites, leaves and slump blocks

Outcrop 6: Separi Anticline 2: turbidites, sedimentary structures

Outcrop 7:  Separi Anticline 3: core of anticline, structures due to overpressures 

Lunch in Samarinda

Outcrop 8:  Separi Anticline 4: deltaic/fluvial deposits

Outcrop 9:  Separi syncline: tidal influenced deltaic deposits

Stay at Bumi Senyiur Hotel, Samarinda


Wednesday, December 1
8:00 am  Drive to Balikpapan (3 hours)

Lunch and summary of outcrops in Kutai Basin

Flight to Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia

Leave 3:15pm arrive 4.50 pm

Stay at Promenade Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia


Thursday, December 2
7:30am   Board bus for outcrops near Kota Kinabalu

Outcrop 10:  Bukit Melinsung: West Crocker Fm, turbidites

Outcrop 11:  Jalan Sulaiman: West Crocker Fm, turbidites

Stay at Promenade Hotel, Kota Kinibalu, Malayasia


Friday, December 3
Flight to Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

Leave 8:45am

Check into Riverside Hotel, Gadong Brunei

Outcrops in Brunei

Outcrop 12:  Jalan Mulaut, turbidites,

Outcrop 13:  Jalan Mulaut, slumped sandstones and shales


Saturday, December 4
Outcrops in Brunei

Outcrop 14: Jalan Sungai Akar, tidal and shoreface deposits

Outcrop 15: Jalan Jerudong: structures in core of anticline, conjugate faults, shale 
dykes and intrusions

Outcrop 16: Jalan Tutong, shoreface parasequences


Sunday December 5
Outcrops in Brunei

Outcrop 17: Liang Fm, fluvial sandstones

Trip discussion and summary

Flight to Jakarta

Leave Sunday 10:15 pm (arrive 11:15 pm) schedule may change


Indonesian Petroleum Association
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