Everything that lives will die; nothing is eternal including our
blue-green planet.

".....that the universe has not existed forever, .......yet it is now
taken for granted. We are not yet certain whether the universe will have
an end.." Stephen Hawking.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sanggam Hutabarat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] An optimistic lesson from Krakatau blast

dan prof. pantur silaban dr itb bilang umurnya masing panjang karenanya 
jangan takut investasi dibumi..


At 06:45 PM 8/30/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>Ini konsep GAIA - Mother Earth - John Lovelock (1979), bahwa Bumi itu
>seperti makhluk hidup yang bisa mengobati lukanya sendiri. Betul, ia
>butuh waktu dan simpati manusia penghuninya. Berapa katastrofisme yang
>pernah Bumi alami sejak 4.65 Ga (milyar tahun) yang lalu ? Tokh, sampai
>sekarang ia tetap planet mungil hijau kebiru-biruan. Namun, sebagai
>"makhluk hidup" tentu ia punya keterbatasan juga. Semoga hijau dan
>birunya tak menjadi semakin pudar, seperti a pale blue dot (Carl Sagan,
>Rovicky Dwi Putrohari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>start quote ===
>An optimistic lesson: That tropical rainforest ecosystems are capable
>recovery from extreme, traumatic damage, if left alone and given time.
>Within a century the remnant of Krakatau, Rakata, on which not a blade
>grass was visible for a year, is now clothed in tropical forest from
>shore to its 800-meter peak. On the three islands devastated in 1883
>are now over 400 species of vascular plants, thousands of species of
>arthropods including 54 species of butterflies, over 30 species of
>species of land mollusks, 17 species of bats and 9 reptiles. And these
>components of the system have had to cross 44 kilometres of sea water
>even reach the islands, never mind to become established on them.
>=== end quote
>Ternyata alam bisa "menyembuhkan" dirinya ...
>jauh lebih baik dari manusia ?
>Jangan coba-coba merusak sekelilingmu ...
>karena anda tidak lebih pandai dari Krakatau
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