Ternyata mars memiliki topografi yg prosesnya dibentuk oleh proses yg
berbeda dengan dibumi. Bahkan dianggap "incomparable with earth
Mungkin karena basic principle fisika lebih mengena di semesta ini
makanya yg me-release AGU ... :)
Kalau kita lihat dalam pendinginan baja dikenal juga istilah
'dendritic feature'.
Jadi kalau melihat di mars ada 'dendritic feature' mesti hati2
interpretasinya. Bisa jadi akibat proses pendinginan magma.

"ah bulan saja masih jauuh .... :( "

===== berikut adalah press relase AGU beberapa jam yg lalu ttg mars ===
Date Released: Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Source: American Geophysical Union

Drainage basins on Mars formed differently than on Earth 
 Source: AGU 

A new comparison of drainage basins on Mars and Earth reveals
fundamental differences in the ways that valleys were formed in the
different environments. Stepinski and Coradetti observe that, unlike
on Earth, where drainage flow typically conforms to the region's
topographic features, drainage on Mars frequently appears to be
independent of its surroundings.

The authors used image analysis and data mining methods to quantify
their observations and argue that the morphologies of Martian basins
are incompatible with runoff from sustained, homogeneous rainfall.

Instead, the researchers suggest that Martian valleys formed in a
desert-like environment subjected to localized and intermittent
fluvial activity, conditions somewhat similar to that found in Chile's
Atacama Desert. They also report that a previous method using erosion
diagnosis and surface elevation levels lacks the sensitivity to
predict the origin of the runoff.

Title: Comparing morphologies of drainage basins on Mars and Earth
using integral-geometry and neural maps


Thomas F. Stepinski, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas,
USA; S. Caradetti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA.

Source: Geophysical Research Letters (GL) paper 10.1029/2004GL020359, 2004

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