Menarik nih dari Denmas Aris,
Apa sih maksudte "revenue over cost" ? Cost recovery kah ?

Btw untuk lihat data "free of charge" ... lah data ini boleh dikopi
ndak ? atau liat doank ("for your eyes only") ?

Di Indonesia katanya untuk lihat saja ... sudah harus bayar 5rb USD.

Kemaren siang di diskusi Panel IAGI aku baru saja bicara soal
"keterbukaan", ternyata untuk membukanya mesti dengan duik pula ya ?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 10:07:05 +0800
Subject: [Geologi UGM] Data of Exploration Acreages

>From Petronas' webiste (

Exploration Acreages

Malaysia has approximately 565,555 square kilometres of acreage available
for oil and gas exploration of which 205,500 square kilometres are
currently covered by Production Sharing Contracts (PSC) .

Until 1993, exploration and production activities took place in the broad
continental shelf offshore of the states of Sabah and Sarawak in East
Malaysia, and offshore Terengganu in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia.
The country's deeper offshore areas, with water depths of 200 metres or
more, had only more recently been opened to oil and gas exploration. Within
the continental shelf, five major sedimentary basins in Malaysia have been
identified as petroleum bearing. The water depth of these areas is between
25 and 200 metres. To date, exploration activities in the continental shelf
have resulted in discoveries of 140 oil fields and 182 gas fields.

Open exploration acreages of varying sizes and hydrocarbon productivity are
available for development. To undertake this development, PETRONAS invites
international oil companies to invest in the exploration acreages under the
"revenue over cost" (R/C PSC) terms.

Data of all open exploration acreages in Malaysia are available for review
by interested and genuine oil companies *free of charge*. For details
information, please contact:

Mr. Ali Bin M Shariff
Exploration Business Development
Petroleum Resource Assessment and Marketing (PRAM)
Petroleum Management Unit (PMU)
Tel: +603 - 2331 5340
Fax: +603 - 2331 3238
E-mail : ali_mshariff at

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