Dear Professionals,

The IPA will repeat the short course on "Practical Investment Appraisal and 
Business Decision Analysis in Petroleum Exploration & Production - with special 
reference to the Indonesian PSC System" on April 25-29, 2005 in Bali.  Dr. H.L. 
Ong will present both sessions of this course, emphasizing specific 
applications to the Indonesian oil and gas industry.  Dr. Ong is a highly 
regarded lecturer and a well known instructor on the business side of the 
petroleum industry.

The registration fee for this 5-day course is US$ 1,600 for IPA Members and US$ 
1,700 for Non- IPA Members including: hotel accommodation for 6 (six) nights, 3 
(three) text books of Gitman, L.J., 2003, Principles of Managerial Finance, 
10th ed., Addison-Wesley, Newnan, D.G., 1988, Engineering Economic Analysis, 
3rd ed., Engineering Press, Inc., California (In Indonesia published by 
Binarupa Askara, Jakarta, 1990) and Newnan, D.G., 1990, Solution Manual of 
Engineering Economic Analysis, 3rd. ed. Binarupa Askara Publishing, Jakarta.


This course is unique in that the instructor has an extensive background in 
teaching as well as first hand experience running his own highly successful 
company for more than 30 years.  Dr. Ong explains business principles with 
lively and topical examples, including many from his personal experience.

Target attendees include: Petroleum/reservoir engineers, Explorationist 
(Geologists & Geophysicists), Project managers and engineers, Commercial 
analyst working for the service industries (seismic, drilling, pipeline, 
construction), Portfolio managers, Finance and Contract specialists involved 
inthe preparation of cost and engineering estimates, Bid committee members who 
are evaluating tender/bids, and those considering new business ventures.

I would appreciate your assistance in quickly notifying the appropriate 
personnel in your organization regarding this course.  Please contact the IPA 
Secretariat (Rini Kusumastuti at e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone 
nos.: 572-4284/85) to reserve space for participants.  If you have any 
questions about this course please contact the instructor by e-mail at: [EMAIL 

My best regards,

Titi Tabusalla
Executive Assistant
Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA)
Phone: +62 (021) 5724284, 5724285


IPA Events:

"6 Months To Go!"

30th Annual IPA Convention & Exhibition

"The Urgency of Building Competitiveness to Attract Oil & Gas Investment in 

August 30 - September 1, 2005 - Jakarta Convention Center

Cenozoic Tectonics of Indonesia: Problems and Models (Prof. Robert Hall) - 
August 28-29, 2005

Evaluation of Reservoirs, Seals and Pay (Prof. John G. Kaldi) - August 28-29, 

Baram Delta (Angus Ferguson and Joe Lambiase)

Southern Mountains, SE Java (R. Hall and H. Smyth) - September 2-6, 2005

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