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------------------------------- Pesan Awal -------------------------------
Judul Surat: FWD: Bloomberg article - Noranda Ranks Mongolia Top in Asia
for Copper Mining Dari:        "Alan Ketaren"
Tanggal:     Rab, 30 Maret 2005, 6:48
Untuk:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

March 25, 2005
Noranda Ranks Mongolia Top in Asia for Copper Mining

By Xiao Yu

March 25 (Bloomberg) -- Mongolia is ranked as the top country in Asia for
copper mining, based on security, political stability and business
climate, Noranda Inc., Canada 's biggest mining company, said in a
presentation at the Asia Mining Congress in Singapore March 22-24.  The
rankings presented by Paul Severin, Senior Vice President of Exploration
at Noranda, include comments from Canada 's Department of Foreign Affairs
and International Trade.  Severin has 35 years of experience in mining and
is a member of the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario,
the Geological Association of Canada, the Prospectors and Developers
Association of Canada and the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Personal Security:

Mongolia      Very good: few violent attacks directed towards foreigners,
no internal conflict.

China         Good: few violent attacks on foreigners, low level of
internal conflict (minor conflict in far North West ).

Indonesia     A concern: organized attacks have occurred, high level of
internal conflict in 5 specific areas.

Papua New Guinea    A concern: personal attacks including foreigners. Some
internal conflict but not organized (on mainland)

Philippines    A concern: history of organized attacks, such as bombings,
including focus on foreigners. Internal conflict in southwest Mindanao .
Difficult to manage.

Political Stability:

Mongolia      Very Good (stable): Successful democratic transition since
1990. Some issues due to poverty.

China         Good (stable): Dissent strongly controlled. Dissent
concentrated in specific areas (esp. far North West ).

Indonesia     A concern: Democratic elections are a positive, but
concentrated armed revolt in specific areas. No resolution in place for
this instability at present.

Papua New Guinea   Fair (stable): Democratic government transitions
successfully. Little organized dissent.

Philippines     A concern: Democratic elections, but armed dissent
widespread, organized and intense in western Mindanao .

Business Climate:

Mongolia      Minor issues: Transparent and clear foreign ownership rules.
Minor uncertainty as to provincial government influence on acquisition of
title. VAT on exploration in U.S. dollar is non-refundable.

China         Serious issues but improving: Foreign ownership rules
problematic. Unclear jurisdiction of local and central governments.
Unclear transfer from exploration to mining title. New mining law expected
in 2007.

Indonesia     Serious issues: National Protected Forest is an issue.
Uncertainty created by situation at

Newmont's Minahasa mine.

Papua New Guinea   Minor issues: Foreign ownership rules clear. Taxation
greatly improved. Aboriginal rights generally clear but negotiations can
be complex.

Philippines     Serious issues but improving: Positive: Recent Supreme
Court judgment on 100 percent foreign ownership. Less positive:
uncertainty over Aboriginal rights - negotiation required. Unclear
taxation - negotiation needed.

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