Title: FOSI Flyer




Forum Sedimentologiwan Indonesia     

Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia

(Indonesian Sedimentologists Forum)  

(Indonesian Geologists Association)



April 26, 2005


Topic:             Cased Hole Resistivity Project for Flattening Mature Waterflood Field Decline


Speaker:        Ari H. Wicaksono ( Schlumberger)

                        Mario Petricola (Schlumberger)


Date:        Tuesday – April 26, 2005; 5:00 p.m.


Venue:            Tamnak Thai Restaurant, HOS Cokroaminoto, Menteng


Charges:        FOSI Members w/ Reservation                                         Rp 30.000

                                Non-Members w/ Reservation                                          Rp 35.000

                                All Walk-ins (assuming availability)                                                Rp 40.000

                                No show will be charged

HAGI and IPA members are also welcome


            Contact                                    Phone                          Fax                  e-mail

            Ratna Asharina (Santos)          2700410 ext. 227           7204503            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              


The talk describes the use of resistivity logging measurements, acquired behind casing, during a 270-well monitoring project in a mature waterflood in the Minas Field of the Central Sumatra Basin. The project objectives are to identify undrained reservoir intervals, optimize the injection treatment and completion perforations and provide critical hard data that supplement the predictive flow simulation efforts to locate the remaining oil in place. The talk will include discussion on the methodology, results and impacts of using this new cased hole logging technology for reservoir monitoring.


Saturation monitoring and hydrocarbon-depletion evaluations in low-salinity mature waterfloods can be accomplished using cased hole resistivity measurement. It appears to minimize the uncertainties associated with the wellbore environment. Current saturation risk is further reduced by the ability to compare the cased hole resistivity data with the openhole resistivity measurement. These advantages outweigh the potential for changes in formation water salinity in the waterflood, especially when a committed team exists to plan, acquire, interpret and report the results of each logging job and workover


The talk will also discuss the lessons learned from using the new technology including the log-reading problem and the alternative way to overcome the problem.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Thanks to Caltex for giving the [ermission to present the project and also to Schlumberger for sponsoring this FOSI’s evening talk.


NOTE: This material was also presented in:

* The 43rd SPWLA Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002 in Oiso, Japan.

* The 7th IATMI Congress and Symposium, October 2002, in Jakarta, Indonesia.


About the presenters:

Ari H. Wicaksono received his S-1 degree in Geology from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). He obtained his MT (Magister Teknik) in the subject of Reservoir Geology from the same institution. Ari H. Wicaksono started his professional career in Caltex in 1999 as a production geologist for the Minas North Area. In year 2001 he was assigned as a project leader for CHFR and the following studies afterwards. At present Ari H. Wicaksono works for Schlumberger DCS – Indonesia as a geoscientist; he has been working for the company since 2004.


Mario Petricola joined Schlumberger in 1978, assigned as a wireline field engineer in North Sumatra. Mario Petricola obtained his degree in Aeronautics Engineering in Toulouse (France). In 1982, he became a log analyst with the first assignment in Balikpapan. Since then, he has involved in many petrophysical projects- both in cased hole and open hole-, with wireline and LWD, in carbonates as well as clastics. Mario Petricola returned to Jakarta in December 2003 as a lead petrophysicist and has been involved, among other things, in the quality control of cased hole logging, in particular CHFR.



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