-----Original Message-----
From: Karyn Humphrys [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 2:53 PM
To: Hamdion, Nizar (Jakarta)
Subject: Opportunity for Interview


Shell PDO is embarking upon a significant expansion resulting in the
creation of over 75 staff positions in their offices in Muscat. Senior
managers from PDO will visit Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta week commencing
20th June to conduct interviews and make offers to selected candidates. 

The disciplines of interest are:
* Reservoir & Petroleum Engineers
* Gas Specialists
* Field Development
* Drilling Engineers/Supervisors
* Well Engineers (Operations)
* Production Technologists
* Studies
* Well & Reservoir Management
* Development Geologists/Geophysicists
* Processing Geophysicists
* Petrophysicists
* Process Engineers
* Project Engineers
* Economists

The key attributes we seek are: 
* A recognised degree.
* 5-20 years experience.
* Good verbal and written English skills.
* There are positions for those interested in purely
technical roles, as well as those interested in leadership or management
* In addition, if your discipline is not specified above,
but you have specialised technical knowledge and hold an MSc or PhD, you
are strongly encouraged to apply. 

PDO offer a tax free package along with the usual expatriate benefits
(housing, health, education, relocation, etc). These are full time
staff positions - PDO will not entertain applicants who are only seeking
consulting or rotational roles.
Oman is a liberal society embracing people from all nations. This stems
from Muscat's long history as a major trading port. Om! ani people are
among the most friendly and hospitable in the world and PDO is a truly
multicultural company, employing a large number of people from over 20
countries. Muscat is a modern city and has all the facilities for a safe
and enjoyable lifestyle for those with or without children. Some
interesting links to PDO and life in Oman are:

MNA Global has been exclusively retained by PDO to identify and present
candidates for interview. The timeframe for receiving your expression of
interest in being considered for interview is very short and interview
places are limited. I therefore urge you to respond within 3 days to
this invitation. Expressions of interest should be made by email to me
and your resume should be attached.

I sincerely hope that this opportunity is of interest to you and I
certainly look forw! ard to discussing it with you. In addition, because
of the large number of positions, I strongly encourage you to forward
this email to any of your colleagues who you think may also be
interested in one of the above roles. It is quite likely that they will
not know about it unless you tell them.

If you are interested in a move to a location other than Oman, please
contact me anyway. We have a large number of international vacancies,
which you will see if you visit our website 
and I will be pleased to put you in touch with the relevant Discipline
Manager in MNA Global.

I am very pleased to bring this opportunity to your attention and look
forward to personally working with you, should you wish to be

My very warmest regards

Karyn Humphyrs - PDO Project Manager

MNA Global
'exceptional people'

Office: +61 7 5443 6466
Fax: +61 7 5443 9799 
! Web: www.mnaglobal.com 

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is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the
intended recipient, any use, disclosure or copying of this message or
its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email
in error, please notify the sender immediately and erase all copies of
the message and attachments. Any view or opinions expressed in this
email are those of the sender and are not necessarily those held by MNA

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