> Saya ambil cuplikan paragraph dari 'Ismail Hasan, 2004, The Young Turks
> of
> Petronas, p. 59-60', yang menyebutkan tentang Cepu di tahun 1975 (mumpung
> masih hangat membahas Cepu). Buku tersebut mengisahkan tentang suatu team
> yang dibentuk oleh Petronas pada awal-awal masa Petronas berdiri untuk
> mencari formula yang terbaik untuk system PSC-nya. Teamnya mereka namakan
> â??Task Forceâ??, yang anggotanya berjumlah 7 orang, dan karena mereka
> rata-rata berumur dibawah tiga-puluhan maka mereka disebut sebagai The
> Young Turks of Petronas. Cuplikannya ada dibawah:
> Pertaminaâ??s PSC had not addressed the sharing of the windfall profits
> but
> barring the outdated sharing ratios, the other schemes established within
> the PSC notably the contractual relationship with oil companies were
> very noble and nationalistic. The Task Force decided to emulate
> accordingly and they then had the Pertamina PSCâ??s financial module for
> benchmarking. As and when the team was down in Jakarta for consultation
> with Pertamina they were treated well. Pertamina then was flourishing. It
> built its own all-weather roads leading to its complexes in remote areas
> all over Indonesia and that was where the team usually stayed when
> visiting outside Jakarta, courtesy of Pertamina. We were flown in their
> helicopters from end to end, seeing and learning how things were actually
> done on site and the logistics involved in managing each of the producing
> oil field.
> The Task Force always had the impression that all the technical know-how
> and capability to find and extract petroleum resources were exclusively
> in the hands of multinational oil companies , until they visited
> Pertaminaâ??s Cepu and Calichap onshore oil fields in Java. There, we
> were surprised to see that Pertamina had been operating the oil wells in
the ddmile of the paddy fields for a few years already, entirely on
their ownand without any help from the multinationals.

   Mungkin perlu sedikit dikoreksi , Cilacap waktu itu memang baru mulai
   dibangun , jadi belum 100 % selesai.
   Kalau bercerita mengenai pemboran ditengah sawah , itu jelas mencerita-
   kan daerah Cirebon , dimana pada saat itu pengembangan lapangan Jati -
   barang sedang giat giatnya dilaksanakan.
   Di Jawa Timur , pada saat itu sedang dibor Ngimbang - 1 , yang terle-
   tak ditengah tengah bukit.
   Sedangkan diJawa Barat , sedang dilakukan pemboran Gantar - 1 ,
   Purwakarta , dan beberapa sumur eksplorasi lainnya.
   Sedikit koreksi karena pada saa itu saya sedang berada didaerah itu
   Pertamina Unit III.

   Si Abah

  Their crude oil production
> was very small and sophisticated instrumentations were rarely seen, but
> they did produce crude oil without taking away the paddy fields from the
> original owners except for the small area surrounding the wellhead.
> Operational discipline was very high and the crude oil was transported
> out without causing any undue difficulties to the farmers tending to
> their rice crops. That scene changed the Task Forceâ??s mindset about
> what
> Petronas could be capable of.
> Seperti semangat The Young Turks of Petronas, Semoga semangat muda dan
> pasukan muda dari Pertamina bisa mengembalikan kembali kejayaan Pertamina
> dan Indonesia sebagai super power di bisnis Perminyakan Asia. Amin.
> Salam,
> Teguh

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Komisi Sedimentologi (FOSI) : Ratna Asharina 
Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi(sunardi[at]melsa.net.id)
Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra(hanang[at]grdc.dpe.go.id)
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Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin(ridwan[at]bppt.go.id atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), 
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Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono(anugraha[at]centrin.net.id)

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