Pertamina opposes establishment of joint venture with ExxonMobil

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 09:06AM GMT+7

State oil and gas company Pertamina has opposed the government's plan to
establish a joint venture with ExxonMobil Indonesia to develop the disputed
Cepu oil block in East Java, Bisnis Indonesia reported on Saturday. 

Pertamina's Vice President said in Jakarta on Friday that the establishment
of the joint venture to develop the oil block would not solve the problem
because there was no clear indication who would become the operator of the
oil block. 

"It is impossible to develop the oil block through a joint venture if both
companies want to become its operator," he added. 

The government recently signed the new contract for the development of the
Cepu oil block with its operators Pertamina and ExxonMobil Indonesia
recently after prolonged negotiations. 

Under the new agreement, Pertamina and ExxonMobil will each have
participating interest of 45 percent in the Cepu oil block. The other 10
percent will be allocated to the local government which oversees the
territory where the oil block is located. Both oil giants however want to
become the operator of the massive oil block. 

Pertamina later proposed Exxon to take turn on the operatorship for every
five years but the proposal is opposed by Exxon, saying it has the rights to
act as the sole operator until the end of the 30 year-contract. 

ExxonMobil formerly operated the Cepu oil block under technical assistance
contract with Pertamina. The contract should have ended in 2010 but the oil
giant demanded the earlier extension of the contract for the certainty of
its investment in the oil field for another 20 years. (*) 


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