
Mungkin masih ingat e-mail dari Andang di bawah ini. Kebetulan saya 
menghadirinya. Ada sekitar 50 orang hadir, dari 16 negara. Paling banyak 
kelompok Benneton, China, India, dan Jepang. Dari Indonesia ada 5 orang, 3 
orang memberikan presentasi.

Sebagian besar peserta datang dari perguruan tinggi dan 'geological survey 
department'. Peserta dari Jepang banyak menampilkan teknologi laboratorium. 
Peserta dari China dan Vietnam, tidak punya banyak teknologi kelihatannya, tapi 
banyak kerja keras. 

Conference ini diakhiri dengan field trip ke modern delta system: Baram, 
Terusan, dan Mahakam (tidak dihadiri oleh semua peserta) dan outcrop di 



-----Original Message-----
From: Andang Bachtiar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 August 2005 17:08
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Delta Conference January 2006

An International Conference on DELTAS (Borneo venue): 

  Depositional Systems and Stratigraphic Development

January 13-18, 2006

Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei


Call for Abstracts

Registration application form



River deltas are one of the most significant coastal features and depositional 
systems. Most of the sediment delivered to the oceans by rivers has been 
deposited in the coastal zones, where it has built numerous deltas. These delta 
systems are significant not only for helping sedimentary and marine geologists 
understand modern processes and ancient rocks, but also for their human 
populations, port and City infrastructures, and natural and living resources. 
The Asian coast has many large and distinct river deltas, which have abundant 
resources and products, and sustain a huge human population. These delta 
systems receive approximately 75% of the worldwide sediment discharge from the 
land to the oceans and collectively compose the largest depocenter on Earth. On 
the other hand, these deltaic environments are vulnerable to numerous and 
frequent geo-hazards, such as tsunamis, storms, floods, droughts, and sea-level 
rise, and recently they have been subject to anthropogenic impacts from 
engineering projects, urbanization, and land-use changes. 

International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) Project 475, Deltas in the Monsoon 
Asia-Pacific Region (DeltaMAP), has been organizing international conference on 
deltas annually. First meeting was held in Bangkok and Ayutthaya on January 
15-20, 2004 in conjunction with 5th International Conference on Asian Marine 
Geology partially, and 2nd meeting was held in Ho Chi Minh City on January 
9-16, 2005. Both meetings were co-organized with APN project Mega-Deltas of 
Asia (2003-2004: PI, Zhongyuan Chen). CCOP DelSEA project co-organizes since 
2nd meeting. Through two meetings, more than 200 participants joined from 22 
countries. We exchanged scientific ideas and new findings and discussed 
scientific issues and cooperation during the conference. Its report is shown at 
web pages of IGCP-475 <> and APN 
Mega-deltas <>.

The third meeting is held in Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei in Borneo 
Island on January 13-18, 2006, with field excursions to modern (Baram and 
Trusan deltas) and ancient deltas, and optional field excursion to the Mahakam 
Delta. High-mountainous small islands in Asia and Oceania contribute more than 
30 % of the worldwide sediment discharge from the land to the oceans. Numerous 
deltas distributed along the coasts are not only fascinating, but also giving 
modern analogs of ancient deltaic sediments in these regions, which are 
significant benefit to human being in energy. Borneo Island gives us one of 
best examples of deltas in this region. We welcome your participation and 
abstract submission and are looking forward to discussing with you in the field 


International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) Project 475, Deltas in the Monsoon 
Asia-Pacific Region (DeltaMAP), which runs for five years from 2003 to 2007. 
The IGCP has been a joint endeavor of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, 
Scientific and Cultural Organization) and IUGS (International Union of 
Geological Sciences) since 1972. The general objectives of IGCP-475 DeltaMAP 
are to significantly improve our understanding of Asian river deltas by 1) 
synthesizing recent research results; 2) bridging the traditional gaps between 
terrestrial, coastal, and marine research; and 3) identifying the major needs 
and goals of future research. Furthermore, in pursuing these goals, we expect 
significant advances in fundamental research on monsoon-driven 
sediment-dispersal systems. 

        CCOP DelSEA project, entitled The Integrated Geological Assessment for 
Deltas in Southeast and East Asia Region,  running from 2004 to 2008, is a  
project supported by CCOP "the Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes 
in East and Southeast Asia". The purpose of this project is to foster the 
exchange of latest knowledge on deltas, Quaternary geology, sequence 
stratigraphy, and geological coastal management. This will enhance cooperative 
study on deltaic coasts, mostly through the annual meeting of IGCP-475.


IGCP-475 DeltaMAP project: Co-leaders

Steven Goodbred, Jr.: Vanderbilt University, Earth & Environmental Sciences, VU 
Station B 351805, Nashville, TN 37235-1805, USA, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yoshiki Saito: IGG, Geological Survey of Japan/AIST, Tsukuba, Japan, email: 

CCOP DelSEA project: Leader

Yoshiki Saito: IGG, Geological Survey of Japan/AIST, Tsukuba, Japan, email: 


An International Conference on DELTAS (Borneo venue): 

  Depositional Systems and Stratigraphic Development


January 13-18, 2006

Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei

With excursions to Baram and Trusan deltas

Optional Field Tour to the Mahakam Delta, January 19-22, 2006


Call for Abstracts


The focus of the 3rd meeting is "Depositional Systems and Stratigraphic 
Development ", with sessions on sedimentary processes, controls on deposition, 
facies, stratigraphic development and subsurface applications and  general 
sessions on drainage basins and hydrologic modeling as well as human impact and 
land use.  We welcome your participation and abstract submission.


UNESCO/IUGS, IGCP-475, DeltaMAP  (3rd Annual Meeting):

CCOP DelSEA Project (2nd Annual Meeting):

Universiti Brunei Darussalam:

IGG, Geological Survey of Japan/AIST:

SE&E Asia Regional IPO Node of IGBP-LOICZ-II:

World Deltas Network (WDN):

Total E & P Deep Offshore Borneo B.V.


Local Organizing Committee

Prof.  Joe Lambiase

Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei, Faculty of Science, Department of 
Petroleum Geoscience


Venue and Schedule, January 2006

13th: arrival

14th-16th: Scientific sessions and business meeting at Universiti Brunei 

17th-18th: Field excursion to Baram and Trusan deltas

19th: departure or

19th-22th: Optional Field Tour to the Mahakam Delta


Meeting venue: Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Address: Jalan Tungku Link, Brunei Darussalam

Tel:+673-246-3051, fax: 673-246-1502


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Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo(soeryo[at]
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