  Thanks Vick, hef a nais wik en



  Mungkin gempa yg aku attach dibawah ini, cukup besar Abah 6.8. SR.
> Terjadi tanggal 14 lalu. Karena saya sedang jauh dari PC makanya ngga
> sempat woro2 kemungkinan impactnya.
> On 3/17/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>     Saya nonton tv tadi pagi , kemarin dulu di Buru terjadi gempa yang
>>     menyebabkan ribuan penduduk kehilangan tempat tinggal , epicenternya
>>     dimana ya ?
>>     Saya lupa website mengenai gempa itu alamatnyaa apa ya?
>>     Si-Abah
> 2006/03/14 06:57 M 6.8 SERAM, INDONESIA Z= 35km  3.60S 127.19E
>        This information is provided by the USGS
>         National Earthquake Information Center.
>    (Address problems to: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> These parameters are preliminary and subject to revision.
> A magnitude 6.8 earthquake IN SERAM, INDONESIA has occurred at:
>  3.60S 127.19E  Depth  35km  Tue Mar 14 06:57:34 2006 UTC
> Time: Universal Time         (UTC) Tue Mar 14 06:57:34 2006
>      Time Near Epicenter          Tue Mar 14 15:57:34 2006
>      Eastern Standard Time  (EST) Tue Mar 14 01:57:34 2006
>      Central Standard Time  (CST) Tue Mar 14 00:57:34 2006
>      Mountain Standard Time (MST) Mon Mar 13 23:57:34 2006
>      Pacific Standard Time  (PST) Mon Mar 13 22:57:34 2006
>      Alaska Standard Time   (AST) Mon Mar 13 21:57:34 2006
>      Hawaii Standard Time   (HST) Mon Mar 13 20:57:34 2006
> Location with respect to nearby cities:
>     110 km (70 miles) W of Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia (pop 313,000)
>     485 km (300 miles) S of Ternate, Moluccas, Indonesia
>     1065 km (660 miles) NNW of DARWIN, Northern Territory, Australia
>     2280 km (1420 miles) E of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia
> For maps, additional information, and subsequent updates,
> please consult:
>  http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recenteqsww/Quakes/uskgap.php .
> Flinn-Engdahl Region Number = 272
> For the most significant earthquakes, information may also be
> available from the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program home page at
> http://earthquake.usgs.gov/ and the USGS home page at
> http://www.usgs.gov/ .
> The earthquake information delivered through Bigquake notifications is
> preliminary.  Subsequent review usually results in some revision to the
> data, and all users are advised to check the USGS earthquake program
> pages at http://earthquake.usgs.gov for updates. Data users are
> cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of the information
> before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or
> the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational
> consequences.  Earthquakes are a common occurrence, and many are either
> not large enough to cause damage or not located sufficiently close to
> populations centers to produce damage.  This e-mail does not imply an
> impending threat.
> Bigquake is an informational tool and NOT an earthquake or tsunami
> warning system. The USGS does not produce tsunami warnings. For the
> information about tsunamis, please refer to the information given in
> the NOAA website http://tsunami.gov .
> Events of magnitude 6.5 or greater are generally reviewed and posted to
> Bigquake within 2 hours of their occurrence and events of magnitude 5.5
> to 6.5 are generally posted to Bigquake within 24 hours.  Additionally,
> processing and sending the messages typically takes 30 minutes.  The USGS
> cannot guarantee the receipt or timeliness of an e-mail after sending.
> You will continue to receive messages like this when earthquakes occur
> that have magnitude 5.5 or greater anywhere in the world OR 4.5 or greater
> in the contiguous US, Hawaii, and Alaska (excluding the Aleutian Islands).
> Please ignore occasional "bounce" messages that you may receive from
> the automated mailing system. Unless all messages bounce for a long
> time, the automated system will not remove your address from this list.
> If that should happen, just resubscribe.
> Please address unresolved mailing list issues to:
> --
> U.S. Geological Survey -- Science for a Changing World
> --
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Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta
No. Rek: 123 0085005314
Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)

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No. Rekening: 255-1088580
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