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Sepertinya saat ini pun di Indonesia terjadi seperti ini yah ??
....mudah-mudahan, sehingga membuka peluang yang bagus bagi rekan-rekan
fresh graduates geologist yang ingin berkarier di oil co.
Oil geologists are hot commodities
Energy giants scramble to attract their expertise

Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle 

At first blush, this week's meeting of the American Association of
Petroleum Geologists seems like a standard industry conference filled
with talking heads and geek-speak.

But beneath the surface at the George R. Brown Convention Center, a
veritable job fair has emerged for the scientists who ferret out oil and
natural gas.

To keep the world's oil taps turned on, energy companies are in a race
to find more fossil fuels. That means the petroleum geologists who scout
the stuff are hot commodities, demanding pay increases and often jumping
ship for better offers, more stock options and fat bonus checks.

"We have yet to hire half of the geoscientists we will need to run the
company in 2015," Tim Cejka, president of Exxon Mobil Exploration, told
a lunchtime audience.

Last year, the average petroleum geologist earned 16 percent more than
in 2004, according to a recent survey by Tulsa's MLA Resources, which
conducts the annual study for the association.

Typical young graduates are landing an average $74,400 a year to start.
Industry veterans with at least 25 years of experience are pulling down
an average $134,100 a year, but many draw salaries of $200,000 or more,
according to the survey.

Charles Taylor, vice president of technical headhunting firm TIG First
Source, said with so few unemployed people in the energy industry,
companies are pilfering each other's personnel.

"They're happy. They're in a six-figure job already. They're not on the
Internet looking. A search firm like ours has to tap them on the
shoulder," he said.

Wanted: Young folks

It's a far cry from 20 years ago, when energy outfits were casting off
these highly skilled professionals like so many used up drill bits. 

The energy industry's history of relentlessly chopping their roster of
talent over the last two decades has had a compounding effect and has
come back in the form of one major headache.

As a group, petroleum geologists, like so many other technical
professionals inside the energy industry, are getting older just as the
hunt for more oil and gas is reaching a new level of intensity.

Worse, the supply of eager young professionals going into the business
is limited.

Options preferred

Andrew Petter, a doctoral candidate in geology at the University of
Texas in Austin who's attending the conference in Houston this week said
he's been approached by several midsize energy companies that have
encouraged him to sign a letter of intent to come work for them when he

But Petter has another 2 1/2 years of full-time course work to complete
before his degree.

"I'd prefer to have all my options on the table," said Petter, who's
thinking about his next internship, not a full-time job.

War for talent

With so much money on the table for newbies, salary compression can
quickly disgruntle professionals who have been putting in their time for
10 or 20 years, warned Mark Anderson, president of Norwalk, Conn.-based

"There's a war for talent, and if companies don't address this now and
on an ongoing basis, they'll lose good people because they haven't
treated them adequately," he said, adding that most people don't leave
jobs for money alone. Feeling unappreciated and like they've hit a wall
in terms of career development also contribute.

Moving quickly

Recruiters working for major and midsize oil companies - from Kerr-McGee
to Saudi Aramco - are trolling the floors in the hopes of luring
qualified geologists and geophysicists to their own 3-D visualization
and modeling labs. 

Ceri Powell, Shell's vice president of exploration in the Middle East,
Caspian and South Asia, said her company is trying to band together the
highly segmented geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers to
make new discoveries in record time and wring more out of older fields.

Energy companies are used to thinking in geologic time, but Powell said
now time is of the essence.

For example, Shell has been exploring for oil and gas in Oman for more
than 40 years - and with a lot of success. But new exploration contracts
in Libya were granted for just seven years.

"It just highlights the need to work faster and smarter," she said.

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