Betul Abah .... dan sebagai Geologist yg photographer kita tidak perlu minder 
dengan photographer pro (umum) yg minat thd fenomena geology, tentu sudut 
pandangnya lain


Rekan Panitia

Pertanyaan Rovicky ini tentunya akan dijawab "YES" , karena dengan
lebih menyebarnya flyer maka peserta akan lebih banyak.
Malahan kalau memang salah sat tujuan dari kontes
ini adalah men"sosialisasi"kan geologi, alangkah baiknya kalau peserta
dibagi menjadi dua yaitu satu para ahli geologi/geoscience dan yang
lain-nya adalah "umum".
Dengan demikian kita dapat "memaksa" para fotografer untuk membaca
alam (atau fenomena geologi) dari kacamata mereka sebagai non "ahli".

Apakah mungkin dilaksanakan pada kontes kali ini , mungkin kontes
berikutnya ?

Sekedar pemikiran ,

Si Abah.

Apakah ini terbuka untuk umum ?
> Jadi bolehkan advertisement ini diforeward ke perkumpulan penggemar
> fotografi ?
> thx
> "Jamaah Nikoniah"
> On 4/24/06, Paulus Tangke Allo 
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Umam, M. Syafiul (Syafiul.Umam) 
>> Date: 24-Apr-2006 09:01
>> Subject: Geophoto Contest PIT IAGI-Pekanbaru 2006
>> Pekanbaru 2006 Indonesian Association of Geologists 35th Annual
>> Convention and Exhibition
>> "Geological Nature in Frame"
>> About the Contest
>> The Pekanbaru 2006 Indonesian Association of Geologists 35th Annual
>> Convention & Exhibition will be held in Pekanbaru Riau, the capital of
>> Central Sumatra Basin, home of the Lancang Kuning in November 21 - 22,
>> 2006. The theme of the convention is "Sustainable Development of
>> Nature's Bounty". During this event, the committee will be sponsoring a
>> Geo-Photo contest with the theme of 'Geological Nature in Frame'. In
>> line with the Convention's theme, geological nature from natural
>> resources, environments, and natural hazards are being the highlight of
>> the Photo Contest.
>> The wide range of the theme of this photo contest surely attracts the
>> interest from public to participate to this unique event in Pekanbaru,
>> Riau. Please submit your original photo as soon as possible before the
>> deadline.
>> What is the Object of the photograph?
>> Your photograph should be in line with the theme of "Geological Nature
>> in Frame".
>> Original photos of geological outcrops, geological scenes/landscape,
>> environment related issues, natural hazards and nature in general are
>> welcomed.
>> What are the categories?
>> This contest is divided into 2 (two) categories:
>> What do I need to submit?
>> A valid submission will contain the following information:
>> 1. Photograph must be original, authentic, unpublished, not a
>> copy/duplicate from other photographer/resources, and not previously
>> submitted in any other contest
>> 2. Photograph focusing on the theme of "Geological Nature in Frame"
>> 3. Photograph size is 10 R with negative/positive film for
>> Conventional/Analog category; and digital data (on floppy disc/CD) for
>> Non-Conventional/Digital category
>> 4. Photograph must be printed in photo paper
>> 5. Photographer has to include a brief caption describing the
>> photograph (location, brief geological description, etc) printed on a
>> separate paper or on the back of the photograph
>> 6. Participant can send maximum 3 (three) photos either in
>> Conventional/Analog or Non-Conventional/Digital categories
>> 7. Your personal information, printed on the back of the
>> photograph:
>> * Name
>> * Address
>> * Phone number
>> * E-mail address
>> 8. A completed entry form (attached). Print out this form and mail
>> it to us with your photograph(s)
>> How should I submit my photograph?
>> Submission must be sent by post mail with your photograph(s) to:
>> PIT IAGI 35 Pekanbaru, Riau Geo-photography Committee
>> Bekasap Asset Management Team
>> Old Main Office A-100
>> Sumatera Light North Operation
>> PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
>> Duri - Riau 28884
>> Telp : (0765) 824411
>> If you have any problem or want to confirm your submitting photo, please
>> send your email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject heading as "PIT
>> IAGI 35 Geophotography Contest"
>> When is the dead line?
>> All mailed submissions must be received by the committee no later than
>> 21 October 2006 @ 4.00 PM
>> How will the photographs be judged?
>> The photographs will be judged by an authority panel based on creativity
>> and relevance to and incorporation of the topic. Decisions of the panel
>> judges will be final.
>> Winning photographs and 50 best photographs selected from each category
>> will be published and displayed at the venue of PIT IAGI 35 - Pekanbaru,
>> Riau 21-22 November, 2006 and also will receive a CERTIFICATE.
>> What are the prizes?
>> Winners for each category will receive:
>> - The FIRST Winner : Rp 2,000,000,-
>> - The SECOND Winner : Rp 1,500,000,-
>> - The THIRD Winner : Rp 1,000,000,-
>> For both categories will be selected a Favorite Photo by the viewers
>> during exhibition and will receive prize of RP. 1,500,000,-
>> All winners and 50 best photographs selected from each category will be
>> notified by e-mail by 13 November 2006
>> Disclaimer: By entering the contest, entrants agree to allow the Ikatan
>> Ahli Geology Indonesia (IAGI) to publish and use submitted photographs
>> in print or electronic form on the IAGI web site, publications, and
>> events. All entries and all rights of ownership in and to the entries,
>> including all rights to use, reproduce, publish, modify, edit, and
>> distribute the same will become the exclusive property of IAGI and will
>> not be returned. IAGI reserves the right to edit, modify, adapt
>> copyright, publish, use, and reproduce any and all entries without
>> further compensation. The IAGI is not responsible for lost, late,
>> misdirected, or postage-due entries.
>> _______________________________________________
>> Name
>> ________________________________________________________________________
>> __
>> Address
>> __________________ _____________________
>> ________
>> City Province
>> Zip
>> __________________________ _________________________
>> Phone E-mail
>> Signature below affirms review and agreement with all contest rules.
>> ____________________________ ____________________
>> Signature Date
>> Eligibility: Contest is open to all IAGI or other professional
>> organization members who concern to the natural resources, environment,
>> Geosciences, and energy for contribution to the society.
>> Deadline: All mailed submissions must be received by the committee no
>> later than 21 October 2006 @ 4.00 PM
>> Judging: The photographs will be judged by an authority panel based on
>> creativity and relevance to and incorporation of the topic. Decisions of
>> the panel judges will be final.
>> Winning photographs and 50 best photographs selected from each category
>> will be published and displayed at the venue of Pekanbaru 2006 IAGI 35th
>> Annual Convention and Exhibition - Pekanbaru, Riau in 21-22 December,
>> 2006 and also will receive a CERTIFICATE
>> Disclaimer: By entering the contest, entrants agree to allow the Ikatan
>> Ahli Geology Indonesia (IAGI) to publish and use submitted photographs
>> in print or electronic form on the IAGI web site, publications, and
>> events. All entries and all rights of ownership in and to the entries,
>> including all rights to use, reproduce, publish, modify, edit, and
>> distribute the same will become the exclusive property of IAGI and will
>> not be returned. IAGI reserves the right to edit, modify, adapt
>> copyright, publish, use, and reproduce any and all entries without
>> further compensation. The IAGI is not responsible for lost, late,
>> misdirected, or postage-due entries.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> To unsubscribe, send email to: iagi-net-unsubscribe[at]
>> To subscribe, send email to: iagi-net-subscribe[at]
>> Visit IAGI Website:
>> Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:
>> Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta
>> No. Rek: 123 0085005314
>> Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)
>> Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia
>> No. Rekening: 255-1088580
>> A/n: Shinta Damayanti
>> IAGI-net Archive 1:
>> IAGI-net Archive 2:
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then
> you win." Mahatma Gandhi.

To unsubscribe, send email to: iagi-net-unsubscribe[at]
To subscribe, send email to: iagi-net-subscribe[at]
Visit IAGI Website:

Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:
Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta
No. Rek: 123 0085005314
Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)

Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia
No. Rekening: 255-1088580
A/n: Shinta Damayanti

IAGI-net Archive 1:
IAGI-net Archive 2:

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