semestinya posisi kita di daerah rawan gempa+tsunami menjadi berkah
buat kita, ada produk engginering yg muncul untuk menyikapi gempa dan
tsunami, construksi, landscape kawasan pantai yg aman bagi wisata dlm
menghadapi tsunami,  dllnya yg dalam diluar soal kebumian dan
antisipasi soal gempa+tsunami. Kepercayaan diri kita harus ditambahkan
(khusus rakyat pesisir pantai), bahwa hidup di daerah rawan gempa dan
berpotensi tsunami bukan suatu hal yg buruk. Mereka akan datang secara
berkala tapikan tidak tiap minggu, bagi yang mengerti, bahaya tsunami
tak lebih parah dari ancaman kematian di jalan raya..yang penting
harus mawas diri.
On 7/26/06, Rovicky Dwi Putrohari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tulisan menarik dari Pak Yowono Sudarsono.
Kita mungkin sekedar berpikir bagaimana terjadinya. Namun dampak dalam
hal pertahanan dan keamanan negara bagaimana ?

Tidak mudah menghadapi hidup di negara yg rawan bencana. Peranan
geoscience dalam pertahanan tidak hanya defence peperangan dengan
musuh (manusia). Juga bagaimana "deal with the hostile earth" ....
dengan alam itu sendiri.

Every Disaster a Challenge
Yuwono Soedarsono

Back in mid-January 2006, in a regular meeting between the Defense Ministry, the
Commander of the Defense Force and the three service chiefs, agreement was
reached that given the circumstances facing Indonesia´s location within
"the Ring of Fire", the Defense Force (TNI) would concentrate more on "military
operations other than war" rather than focusing defense outlays beefing
up its on strike forces. "Professionalism" of the military in the narrow
sense was out of the question anyway since the "total defense and security"
doctrine (sishankamrata) which Indonesia espoused since the revolutionary
years of 1945-1950 obliged every Indonesian citizen to take part in the
total defense and security of the country.
Now that the Indonesian Government is now simultaneously undertaking recovery
and rehabilitation problems following the earthquake in Yogyakarta and Central
Java of May 27 (6000 plus dead), the recent tsunami of July 17 in West and
Central Java (550 plus dead), followed by the recent July 23 quake in Gorontalo
in Sulawesi, the TNI is again gearing up to prepare its limited resources
to deal with yet another natural disaster.
Never have the role of the TNI been more crucial and more pertinent than
at the present time. Despite being underpaid, under equipped and chronically
under-funded, I have never been so proud of the tireless efforts of the
soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines in being always first on the scene
in each of these natural disasters. The exemplary behaviour of soldiers,
non-coms and officers of all three services attest to the adage that the
Indonesian Defense Force is always "first in war, first in peace and first
in emergency relief efforts." Indeed, many domestic and foreign observers
acknowledge that the TNI is the mainstay of the government´s delivery system
crucial to the success of the emergency response coordinated by the government
through the office of the Vice President.
But every new crisis brings a silver lining. There are always new ways
for the TNI soldiers, sailors and airmen to improvise aid efforts, new methods
of coordination arising from the esprit de corps that come from every emergency
situation. There are always efficiency measures thrust upon units of the
TNI as each logistical problem arises on the ground.
I have always explained to my foreign colleagues about the ways and means
of improvisation that the common Indonesian soldier comes up with since
the days immediately after the tsunami of December 26, 2004. Some colleagues
abroad criticise that the total defense and security doctrine is "out of
date" and that it hampers professionalism. But I maintain that the TNI never
sought to submit itself to the notion of the dead hand of "professionalism"
in the Western sense. In fact, total defense and security is never going
to be out of date. You only have to ask the villagers in West and Central
Java. And the people in Gorontalo. For every crisis brings out the best
in the TNI non-military role. Saving lives and giving hope is (military)
professionalism at its best.. There are going to be more dangers, yes. But
there are also opportunities, too. Every crisis is a challenge.
The fifteenth CGI (Consultative Group on Indonesia) meeting was held June
14, 2006 at Bank Indonesia. About eigth cabinet ministers attended the opening
session with lead speakers Dr Boediono, the Chief Economics Minister; Dr
Sri Mulyani, the Finance Minister and Adm.Widodo, the Chief Security Minister.
dr Andrew Steer. Country Director for Indonesia of the World Bank, presided
over the sessions. Two publications, Investing for Growth and Recovery,
prepared by the World Bank Jakarta Office, and Preliminary Damage and Loss
Assessment of the Yogyakarta and Central Java Natural Disaster , prepared
by BAPPENAS the National Planning Agency, the Local Governments of Yogyakarta
and Central Java and International partners (World Bank, Asian Development
Bank) was issued to participants.
Overall, the reports by Boediono and Sri Mulyani on macro economic management
was optimistic: the strengthening of the rupiah over the past 4 months,
government budget deficit at 0.5 percent of GDP; debt to GDP ratio down
to 47 percent; inflation planned at single digit throughout the next six
Donor representatives made their commitment speeches about continued assistance
to Indonesia, but no major decision was made about assistance to Yogyakarta
and Central Java. Press reports speak of USD 3 billion for Yogyakarta/Central
Java, about the same figure for international assistance to India in 2001,
and Pakistan in 2005, though lives lost in India and Pakistan were well
above 50.000. The high figure is attributed to the need to rebuild of homes
and buildings destroyed or heavily damaged, and the higher number of Indonesians
wounded during the earthquake of May 27, 2006.
Everyone at the meeting agreed that governance was the central issue. Somehow,
during the presentations I began to muse that beyond the talk about boxes,
charts, figures, time lines and target dates, I felt that there was a bit
too much of linear technocracy thinking. Discussions about road "maps" and
"architecture" of the recovery process need to consider the more fundamental
human and cultural factors.
In essence, we need more thinking about "horticulture" than "architecture".
However neat the plans on the drawing boards and however sophisticated the
tools of development planning, it will be humans who will do the implementation
on the ground. Team work and team spirit is more cultural than technocracy.
Nurturing institutions require the appropriate implantation of seed, applying
the right amount of water for plants and saps to grow, the right amount
of sunlight to give light to nascent networks of cooperation among disparate
groups. There will be hits and misses, and even social glitches and crashing
of social gears along the way so long as 36 million Indonesians live below
the poverty line, 10 million openly unemployed and 60 million receiving
direct cash transfers until the end of 2006.
A strong dose of humility in development and recovery planning is needed
by both donor agencies and Indonesian officials.


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