Dear Sir/Madam
 Indonesian Association of Geologists will conduct two fieldtrips in
order to IAGI annual convention on November 20-21, 2006 in Pekan Baru, Riau
Province Indonesia.
The two fieldtrips are *The Deep Marine Sand **of Kutai Basin *(held on
November 17-20, 2006, Pre Convetion) and       *Barito-Meratus-Kutai
Transect, Stratigraphy & Sedimentology *(held on November 23-27, 2006, Post

These excellent Fieldtrips specially made for the explorationist who want to
improve their knowledge. If you think you are, let's join in these excellent

IAGI as Professional Organization has advance experience in conducting an
event like this. Each fieldtrips can be participated by 15 participants
only. It means if you book your seat now, you will go with us. So, what are
you waiting for? Please contact the address below.

*For futher information please contact *
*Yudi S. Purnama *
*Benyamin Sembiring*
*GDA Consultant *
*Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam 10 No. 2, Jakarta *
*Phone/Fax *021 829 2539, 837 92688, 837 92687
*Email: *
Cell: 0815 7019 351, 021 9382 5173


*IAGI Post-Convention Field Trip *

*The 35**rd** IAGI Annual Meeting *

*Pekanbaru, 21 – 22 Nov, 2006 *

*Barito-Meratus-Kutai Transect, Stratigraphy & Sedimentology *

*Date: *

*November 23 – 27, 2006 (5 days, 4 nights) *

[Departure and ending trip are at Jakarta]

*Trip Leader: *

*Dr. Andang Bachtiar (GDA Consultant) *

*Dr. Prihardjo Sanyoto (GRDC) *

*Participant: *

*Minimum       10 persons *

*Maximum      15 persons *

*Closing Registration: *

*November 15, 2006 *

*Cost:** *

*US$ 1.500 /person (IAGI Member)*

*US$ 1.600 /person (Non IAGI Member)*

*Field trip fee includes: *

*Airfare, transportation, accommodation, Course material, Field gadget,
Logistic, meals, Certificate of completion. The insurance for participant &
personal used are not covered in this fee. *

*Field Trip Objectives*

*¨* *To examine & learn about the regional tectonic, stratigraphy &
sedimenation of Barito & Kutai Basin along with the role of Meratus complex
in the history of the two basins** **¨** **New ideas on play concepts for
oil & gas exploration in Barito and Southern Kutai** **¨** **Compare the
Paleogene Clastics (Tanjung Fm) and the Neogene ones (Warukin Fm & Dahor Fm)
** **¨** **Diamond,** **gold, & base-metal potential of the two basins. *

*Who Should Attend: *

*Geologist, Sedimentologist, Geophysicist, Reservoir/Petroleum Engineers *

*Description: *

The field trip will try to examine and learn about the regional
tectonic, stratigraphy and sedimentation of Barito and Kutai Basin along
with the role of Meratus complex in the history of the two basins. New ideas
on play concepts for oil & gas exploration in Barito and Southern Kutai
area will be entertained in this trip by looking at the real geological
features at the surface; such as: Meratus "flower structure", "nappe",
"piggy-back", and "toe-thrust" structures at the front of Barito foreland
basin; and also types of clastic provenance of both Barito and Asem-Asem
Basins Paleogene sediments, one of which is the "quartz-rich" plagio-granite
of the Meratus ophiolite complex. The trip will also include a visit to an
active coal mine exposing superb continuous outcrop of Warukin sands,
shales, an coals. Combining this with several other visits Tanjung and
Dahor outcrops will give the participants chances to compare between the
Paleogene Clastics (Tanjung) and the Neogene ones (Warukin, Dahor).  The
leaders of the trip are experienced explorationists/geologists who both have
long acquintance with Barito and Kutei Basins, i.e.: Dr. Prihardjo Sanyoto,
GRDC regionalgeology expert, who started his Barito Basin study since 1978
and Dr. Andang Bachtiar, GDA Consultant geology expert, who has 20 year
experience in petroleum exploration in Kutei Basin.

*Field Trip Schedule *

*Day 1** *

Depart from Jakarta to – Banjar Baru

Check in Hotel – Class night – Stay over night in Banjar Baru

*Day 2** *

Banjar Baru - Gn. Bobaris – Awang Bangkal – Sungai Usan – Lumpangi – Barabai

*Day 3** *

Barabai - Pagat – Paringin – Sungai Muru – Balikpapan

*Day 4** *

Outcrop around Balikpapan Area

*Day 5** *

Balikpapan (Summary & Discussion) - Jakarta* *

*IAGI Pre-Convention Field Trip *

*The 35**th** IAGI Annual Meeting *

*Pekanbaru, 21 – 22 Nov, 2006 *

*The Deep Marine Sand of Kutai Basin *

*Date *

*November 17 – 20, 2006 (4 days, 3 nights) *

[Departure and ending trip are at Jakarta]

*The Instructor *

*Dr. Andang Bachtiar *

(23 years experience of petroleum exploration in Kutai Basin)

*Participant *

*Minimum       10 persons *

*Maximum      15 persons *

*Closing Registration *

*November 9, 2006 *

*Cost *

*US$ 1.500 /person (IAGI Member)***

*US$ 1.600 /person (Non IAGI Member)***

*Field trip fee includes *

*Airfare, Transportation, Course material, Field gadget, Logistic,
Accommodation, Certificate of completion. The insurance for perticipant &
personal used are not covered in this fee. *

*Field Trip Objectives*

*1. Outcrop of Deep Marine "turbiditic" Sand of Paleo Mahakam Delta in
contrast to shallow marine turbidit in prodelta **and shelf areas *

*2. Reservoir characters of deep marine sand such as dimension (widht vs
thickness), porosity, permeability, **heterogeneity, petrology, log
characters, fossil assemblages, sedimentary structures and tectonic features
association. *

*3. The Petroleum System in Deep Marine Sand compare to existing oil field *

*Who Should Attend *

*Geologist, Sedimentologist, Geophysicist, Reservoir/ Petroleum Engineers *

*Description: *

Although The Mahakam Delta is famous for its Deltaic Complex, it actually
also has deep marine sand deposits that recently proven to be
producing in Makassar
Strait deep-water blocks. Outcrops of deep marine sand – turbidite systems
within age of N2 – N8 will be visited to give the participant an overview of
the deep marine "turbiditic" sands of Paleo Mahakam Delta in contrast to the
shallow marine turbidites in the prodelta and shelf areas. Examples of
bathyal up to pro-delta turbidite systems will be discussed with references
to published turbidite-systems models.

The field trip area covers Balikpapan Bay, Sepaku District, Tenggarong, Loa
Duri, Samarinda, and Samboja. We will visit many outcrops per day. All of
them are turbidite sandstones, the facies of which covers sandstones from
outer-fan, middle-fan and suprafan lobes as well as shelf- and prodelta-
turbidites traditionally known to occur in the Miocene Pulaubalang
Formation. Comparison between deep marine & shallow marine turbidites of
Kutai Basin will be also highlighted. Although will not be visited, the
equivalent proximal lowstand deposit will also be discussed (infact, their
outcrop ridges can be seen from one of the field-trip turbidite stops).

Reservoir characters, such as width vs thickness dimension, porosity,
permeability, heterogeneity, petrography, log characters, fossil
assemblages, sedimentary structures, and even tectonic feature association
will be discussed on the outcrops using the field sample data.

To release the stress after daylight dealing with the complexity of the deep
marine sand of Paleo Mahakam Delta outcrops, tourist objects will be visited
and dinner will be conducted during the evening. This will include "Kutai"
Museum & Wanariset visits, "karaoke dinner" and world famous chili-crab
dinner in Samarinda.

A summary session will be conducted at the end of the trip before departing
Samarinda to catch the plane in Balikpapan to Jakarta.

*Field Trip Schedule *

*Day 1** *

Jakarta-Balikpapan-P. Balang-Balikpapan

*Day 2** *


*Day 3** *


*Day 4** *

Summary & Wanariset, Balikpapan - Jakarta

*For futher information please contact *

*Yudi S. Purnama *

*Benyamin Sembiring*

*GDA Consultant *

*Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam 10 No. 2, Jakarta *

*Phone/Fax *021 829 2539, 837 92688, 837 92687

*Email: *




Cell: 0815 7019 351, 021 9382 5173



*IAGI Pre/Post - Convention Field Trip *

*The 35**th** IAGI Annual Meeting *

*Pekanbaru, 21 – 22 Nov, 2006 *

I will participate in IAGI's fieldtrip :

*0** **The Deep Marine Sand of Kutai Basin** *

*        (17-20 Nov 2006)*

*0** **Barito-Meratus-Kutai Transect, Stratigraphy & Sedimentology** *

*        (23-26 Nov 2006)*

*please thick your choice

Name                 : ………………………………………………………

Company            : ……………………………………………………..

Position              : ………………………………………………………

Department        : ………………………………………………………

Phone                : ………………………………………………………

Facsimile            : ……………………………………….………………

Address              : ……………………………………….………………

E-mail   : ………………………………………………………

Mobile   : ……………………………………………………..


The first five registrant will be get *10% discount*.

Due date of payment is one week before departure

Cancellation before November 15th 2006 will be charge 10 % of trip cost.

No cancellation after November 15th 2006

Payment Method :

 Cash Addressed to PT. Geosain Delta Andalan

 Bank Transfer Addressed to :

    Bank Niaga - Soepomo A/C : 025-01-00489-00-0 (Rp)

                                           : 025-02-25860-00 (USD)

Date, ......................................., 2006

( ................................................ )

Please fax / return this form together

With prove of  payment to:

*GDA Consultant *

Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam 10 No.2 Jakarta 12820 Indonesia

Phone/fax : 021 829 2539, 837 92688, 837 92687

E-mail :




Cell: 0815 7019 351, 021 9382 5173

Contact Person : Yudi S. Purnama / Benyamin Sembiring

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