wah menarik juga tuh!
Kalo bisa kami juga perlu, terutama untuk koleksi lab dan sekaligus sarana
praktikum mhs, apakah juga ada alat ukurnya juga? misal sonic viewernya?


> Waktu kuliah dulu kami ( asisten Geologi Perminyakan dan Subsurface )
> mendapatkan beberapa glondong core ( ya kira-kira panjangnya 30 - 50 cm )
> yang umumnya karbonat, sandstone-silt, Data seismik 2D - 3D, Composite Log
> beberapa lembar, Drill cutting beberapa kantong dan lembar blank form
> report untuk WSG /Mud logger dari sebuah Oil Company  ( AS ) dan beberapa
> Oil Service Co. Disumbangkan secara sah untuk keperluan praktek
> laboratorium, belajar menganalisa core, drill cuting, FEMWD kepada
> mahasiswa. Tapi itu sudah 22 tahun yang lalu, tentunya model form dan
> analisa sudah lebih canggih sekarang ini.
> Jadi saya pikir sumbangan core dan data yang sudah 'out of date' atau
> lapangan yang 'kering' bisa dilaksanakan melalui BPMigas atau Pertamina
> atau Ditjen Pertambangan kepada universitas yang ada perminyakan dan
> geologi atau pertambangan dan geofisika.Daripada numpuk di gudang core
> perusahaan jadi sarang tikus,...bagusnya disumbangkan.
> Kalau data log /drill cutting report bisa pula kita beli dari perusahaan
> provider yang resmi.
> Ayo,..exploration manager mana yang mau mengawali ini di Indonesia ??
> Banyak KPS disini dan banyak Universitas yang ada
> geologi/minyak/tambanng..ada Trisakti, ITB, UPN, Unpad, UGM, UnHas,
> STTNas, Unsri, dll. Juga SMK Geologi-Tambang. Atau dari pihak Universtas
> lah yang proaktif mencari sumbangan ?? Itupun kalau memang butuh...kalau
> gak butuh ya..sami mawon..jadi sarang tikus juga...hehehe.
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Franciscus B Sinartio
>   To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id ; Forum Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia
>   Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 1:23 AM
>   Subject: [iagi-net-l] Fw: Chevron donates 233,000 boxes of cores to
> university
>   ini berita dari Amrik.
>   kalau di Indonesia, apakah ada perusahaan yang mau menyumbangkan core
> atau well log atau test data atau seismik?
>   fbs
>   Chevron recently donated 233,000 boxes of core and well samples
> collected during 70 years of oil and gas exploration to the Bureau of
> Economic Geology (BEG) at the University of Texas at Austin. The
> donation included $1.5 million to the BEG's endowment to preserve the
> samples for future generations of geoscientists. Below are photos from
> the donation ceremony:
>   Texas Railroad Commissioner at Event
>   Chairman of the Texas Railroad Commission Elizabeth A. Jones (pictured
> left) was one of several Texas State dignitaries to attend the donation
> ceremony. Established in 1891, the Railroad Commission of Texas has
> several regulatory divisions that oversee the Texas oil and gas
> industry, natural gas utilities, pipeline and liquefied petroleum gas
> safety and the surface mining of coal.
>   "It's important that the public, private and academic sectors work
> together to secure our energy future," Chairman Jones said. "What
> Chevron is doing with its once-private collection of well cores is
> immeasurable in aiding the next generation of geologists in their
> training and research for our country's own vast conventional and
> unconventional reserves of oil and gas."
>   Honorary Plaque Commemorates Donation
>   Scott Tinker, director of the Bureau of Economic Geology at the
> University of Texas at Austin, presents Don Paul (r), vice president and
> chief technology officer of Chevron and Ed Donovan (l), geoscientist at
> Chevron's Houston Engineering Technology Center, with an honorary plaque
> commemorating Chevron's donation of core samples and endowment funding.
> The bronzed plaque will be permanently displayed at the Bureau's Houston
> Research Center.
>   "In a mature area like the United States, which has an enormous
> historical base of geologic information, there's the risk that many of
> these samples would eventually be lost," Paul said. "This donation
> provides real-world data and samples from around the U.S. and allows
> educational and training opportunities for students, researchers and
> industry professionals to promote scientific and technological
> innovation."
>   Tinker noted that the samples may still hold secrets to undiscovered oil
> and gas.
>   "Many people may look at a sample and think it is just a piece of rock,"
> said Tinker, "but often, the sample can direct us to where oil and gas
> is or where it might be. So these cores can be used to train the next
> generation of geoscientists for future study and may lead to additional
> resource discovery that might not have been possible in the past."
>   The Bureau of Economic Geology functions as a research unit of The
> University of Texas at Austin, the State Geological Survey and the
> Regional Lead Organization for the Petroleum Technology Transfer
> Council. The Bureau provides wide-ranging advisory, technical,
> informational and research-based services to industries, nonprofit
> organizations, and federal, state and local agencies.
>   Ed Donovan, Chevron Houston Engineering Technology Center geologist, and
> a student from the Jackson School of Geosciences study some of the core
> samples Chevron donated to the BEG. The University of Texas at Austin
> and Chevron have had a long-standing relationship. The company recruits
> many employees from the university, and prior to this contribution,
> Chevron has given the university more than $38 million in gifts and
> research grants.

Hot News!!!
CALL FOR PAPERS: send your abstract by 30 March 2007 to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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29th IATMI Annual Convention and Exhibition,
Bali Convention Center, 13-16 November 2007
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