Course & Field Workshop
Applied Fluvial Deltaic Sedimentology  and Basic Petroleum Geology for

August 6-9, 2007, Sukabumi - Gunung Walat - Cimandiri River
(4 days and 3 nights)
Begin at 08.00 am at Monday and end at 1.30 pm Thursday.
All the activity will be begin and end in Sukabumi

Agusta Hotel, Sukabumi

Dr.Ir. Andang Bachtiar, MSc.

Rp.  7.000.000,-

Including :
-Breakfast, lunch and dinner for 4 days and 3 nights
-Room at Augusta Hotel (2 persons in 1 room)
-Course and Field work Kit
-Rafting at Cimandiri river

Closing date of Registration:
23 July 2007

Discount 10 % for the first 3 participant
Minimum Participant  : 10 persons
Maximum Participant : 20 persons

Over the course the following topics will be covered in detail :

The philosophy of sedimentology, practical laws of sedimentology, oil and
gas exploration failure due to misunderstanding of sedimentology and
template thinking.

Principles of hydrodynamic which ruled the deposition of grains such as
Hjulstorm Diagram and Flow regimes, and also how the sediments accumulated
(lateral and vertical)

Sedimentary and Biogenic Structures
Recognition of sedimentary and biogenic structures forming, their shape, and
the practical knowledges to interpret their process in outcrops.

Facies & Depositional Environment of Fluvial Deltaic
Definition of Fluvial Deltaic environment, comparing modern environment with
ancient, and its key information to identify.

Log Characteristic
Understand the basic principle of log analysis for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
Log Characterized in fluvial and Deltaic environment, Introduction of Log
such as GR/SP-Resistivity, D/N, Dipmeter/FMI, Sonic, Composite Log, Vertical
profiles, Lateral variations, Anomalies.

Seismic Characteristic
Basic principle of seismic for hydrocarbon exploration, Introduction of
seismic profile in fluvial deltaic environment.

Reservoir Characterization
Porosity, permeability, heterogeneity, homogeneity, dimension,
lateral/vertical continuity, width/thickness ratio.

Sequence Stratigraphy
Sequence boundaries, Flooding surfaces, Paleosol, Coals, Lowstand System
Tract, Highstand System Tract, Transgressive System Tract, Hard grounds,
TSE,  Exercises

Petroleum System
To know and to understand the basic principle of the component of petroleum
system and how their work, including the practical knowledges

Outcrop/Core Description Guidelines
Different way to see outcrop and core  such as
description-processes-facies(response)-depositional environment; Units,
Geometry-dimension, Lithofacies (vertical profile), Contacts, Sedimentary
structures, Biogenic structures, Fossils.

Course Overview

This course is aimed to refresh the knowledge of basic sedimentology and its
relationship with petroleum system by special feature of fluvial-deltaic
setting; the environment of which are associated with most of the Indonesian
hydrocarbons and coals (located in the superb outcrops of Gn. Walat and
Cimandiri River).

Understanding sedimentology gained from this course will hopefully recharge
the explorationist battery to keep on generating prospects (or at least new
ideas) in dealing with the materials (cuttings, core, logs, seismic) and the
tools (software's, etc).For new recruits, this course will certainly equip
them with necessary focus on selected sedimentology knowledge to be used in
the future works; while for experience explorationists, this will refresh
lots of their understanding about sedimentology, which probably already
built-in intuitively (sometimes becomes absolute) in their mind.

The course will be a combination between classroom lecturing and exercises,
and field-outcrop description (including rafting).

Let's join now, the first 3 participant will get 10 % discount.
Limited seat for 20 people only and The event will be held if minimum
participant are 10 people
It's Easy, you jest reply this email to this address or email address below
and we will sent you the registration form and
fax it to +62-21-83792687, or
For contact person Rimbawan (081510121464) or Benyamin (08151612082)
GDA Office +62-21-83792688
And then transfer your registration fee into

Geosain Delta Andalan, Niaga Bank no 025.01.00464000

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