Pada dasarnya gridding adalah proses penyebaran (populating) regularly spaced Z 
value from irregularly spaced XYZ point (or 'line'). Dengan kata lain 
menyebarkan data 0D (point, misalnya well derived depth ) atau '1D' (lines, 
misalnya seismic line, mineral content along wellbore --> bisa juga argue bahwa 
data di line adalah kumpulan point, walhasil 0D juga)   menjadi 2D (map grid).
  Saya ingat belasan tahun  lalu ikut kursus sandstone depositional environment 
nya Dan Busch. Ba'da salah satu excercisenya yaitu membuat kontur netsand map 
beliau bilang  yang intinya ' If you use the computer as a blackbox to do your 
contouring, then most likely the result will not be worth the paper it is 
  So, kembali ke pertanyaan algoithma grid mana yang sebaiknya dipakai ?, 
jawabannya adalah yang bisa memberikan hasil paling mendekati prekonsepsi 
(model) geologi dikepala kita. Seperti yang Noel bilang, ini akan banyak 
tergantung dari faktor2 seperti jumlah dan distribusi data dll.  
  Sebagai rule of thumb, saya kutip deskripsi singkat beberapa algoritma 
popular yang banyak dipakai. Artikel lengkapnya ada di
   Inverse Distance is fast but has the tendency to generate "bull's-eye" 
patterns of concentric contours around the data points.   
   Kriging is one of the more flexible methods and is useful for gridding 
almost any type of data set. With most data sets, Kriging with a linear 
variogram is quite effective. In general this is the method that we would most 
often recommend. Kriging is the default gridding method because it generates 
the best overall interpretation of most data sets. For larger data sets, 
however, Kriging can be rather slow.   
   Minimum Curvature generates smooth surfaces and is fast for most data sets.  
   Nearest Neighbor is useful for converting regularly spaced XYZ data files to 
Surfer grid files. Or when your data is a nearly complete grid with only some 
missing holes, this method is useful for filling in the holes, or creating a 
grid file with the blanking value assigned to those locations where no data is 
   Polynomial Regression processes the data so that underlying large scale 
trends and patterns are shown. This is used for trend surface analysis. 
Polynomial Regression is very fast for ny amount of data, but local details in 
the data are lost in the generated grid.   
   * Radial Basis Functions is quite flexible, and like Kriging, generates 
among the best overall interpretations of most data sets. This method produces 
results that are quite similar to Kriging.   
   Shepard's Method is similar to Inverse Distance but does not tend to 
generate "bull's eye" patterns, especially when a Smoothing factor is used.   
   Triangulation with Linear Interpolation is fast with all data sets. When you 
use small data sets Triangulation generates distinct triangular facets between 
data points. One advantage of triangulation is that, with enough data, 
triangulation can preserve break lines defined in a data file. For example, if 
a fault is delimited by enough data points on both sides of the fault line, the 
grid generated by triangulation will show the discontinuity. 

Noel Pranoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Tepatnya resource modelling Pak 
Djuharlan, hex3.

Pak Wahyudi, saya coba jawab sebisanya.
Jawaban cepat pertanyaan Anda adl dengan grid (2D). Sebagai tambahan,
resource modeling, apapun peranti lunak dan komoditas bahan galiannya,
umumnya memperhatikan 3 hal berikut:
1. Algoritma (trend surface, kriging dan min curvature)
2. Data (jumlah data, pattern dan orientasinya)
3. Area pencarian (luasan, bentuk, orientasi, pembobotan/weighting)
4. Ukuran grid (ukuran cell, bentuk, orientasi)

Saran saya sebelum memulai pemodelan, pelajari saja dulu datanya
sehubungan dgn poin2 di atas dan tools yg hrs digunakan sdh barang
tentu geostatistik (spt yg dibilang Pak Djuharlan). Geostatistik adl
alat/tools utk menentukan parameter2 yg digunakan dalam pemodelan di
atas, misalnya apa algoritma yang cocok dipakai utk jumlah, pola dan
data eksplorasi yg Anda punya, berapa besar ukuran dan bentuk grid
yang optimum, dll.
Untuk statistik deskriptif dari data yang Anda punya spt distribusi,
rata2 aritmetik, histogram, sd, outliers, dll bisa pakai Excel saja
tapi utk variogram setahu saya yg gratisan dan mudah digunakan cuma
Variowin (googling saja, pasti ketemu).

Kalau tdk salah di thn 2000 ada buku yang bagus dan praktis ttg hal
ini, judul lengkapnya: Understanding Contouring: A Practical Guide to
Spatial Estimation Using a Computer and Variogram Interpretation oleh
Krajewski & Gibbs. Di dalamnya malah dilampirkan contoh-contoh
"pseudo-features" kontur yg dihasilkan dari dataset yg sama namun
menggunakan berbagai jenis metoda pemodelan. Ini berguna sekali utk
novice resource modeller yg kadang bingung jika ketemu "bulls-eye":
ini bener2 anomali atau salah memodel? Sayangnya punya saya sendiri
sdh entah kemana nasibnya karena keseringan pindah-pindah tapi mungkin
masih bisa Anda beli lewat Amazon.

Dalam buku itu pengarangnya ada menulis demikian:
"Explorationist conceive mineral deposits and contours in their minds
and draw them with a hand guided by experience, data and aesthetics.
Someday, computers will be programmed to do as well (Krajewski,

Semoga berguna dan silakan jika ada koreksi/tambahan.


On 25/07/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Nah tuh, bahas lho masalah geostatistik ….. (kalau nggak salah).
> Regards/Salam,
> Md. Johaness Djuharlan - 003185
> PT Freeport Indonesia
> Tembagapura 99930
> "Keep Smile, makes your life easier"
> "Mangan ora mangan kumpul, kumpul karo mangan-mangan".
> Disclaimer: This email (including any attachments to it) is confidential,
> used for internal PTFI only.
> ________________________________
> From: W. Adhiutomo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: [iagi-net-l] Tentang Minscape... :-)
> Salam,
> Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu...
> Ada yang familiar dengan MIncom?? Aku mau nanya... Surface yang paling bagus
> untuk modeling geology apa ya?? Surface expression, grid, atau triangle...
> :-) Thanks.
> --
> Regard,
> Wahyudi Adhiutomo
> Mobile: +62852 487 33499
> -----
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> for the personal attention of the intended recipient only and may contain
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