Pak Vick,
Rasanya saya sudah pernah kasih informasi
kalau peserta yang ada di Malaysia akan mendapat potongan : harga tiket
jakarta-KL PP, kalau gak nginap ikut rombongan juga dapat potongan sejumlah
harga penginapan/hotel
untuk jumlahnya tergantung dari harga yg didapat panitia

misal : jika harga tiket JKT-KL PP = Rp 1 jt, berarti dpat potongan harga
tiket 1 jt, begitu juga untuk yg lainnya

tapi sekarang panitia kan belum dapat harga fix nya

semoga bisa membantu


Pak Idho mungkin bisa lebih memperjelas, silahkan pak

2007/10/19, Rovicky Dwi Putrohari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Saya dan juga ada beberapa kawan di KL, sudah lama kepingin ikutan
> field trip ini. Tapi kita tidak tahu apakah kami juga harus membayar
> biaya yang sama dengan rekan2 dari Jakarta (Bali) ?
> Ada yg tahu infonya ?
> On 10/19/07, benyamin sembiring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   Basement Geology of Malay Peninsula:
> > Unconventional Reservoir and Resource Opportunity
> > *JCB Pre-Convention Field Trip, November 9-12, 2007 *
> >
> >
> >
> > Prof. Tjia Hong Djin
> >
> >
> > *DATE*
> > November 9-12, 2007
> > (Pre-Convention)
> > Duration : 4 days, 3 nights
> > Start and End at Soekarno Hatta, Jakarta
> >  * *
> > *COST*
> > US$ 1900 net/person (IAGI-HAGI-IATMI member)
> > US$ 2000 net/person (Non IAGI-HAGI-IATMI member)* *
> > (Registration Form is attached)
> > Airfare tickets to and from Kuala Lumpur,
> > Field Trip Kit, Field Hand Book, Backpack,
> > Umbrella/Hat, T-Shirt,  Certificate and
> > Souvenir are included
> > Fiscal, Airport Tax and Insurance are excluded
> > *Registration will be closed on *
> > *October 26, 2007 and payment is *
> > *received at the latest 7 (seven) days before *
> > *Implementation *
> > **
> > **
> > Minimum 15 (fifteen) participants
> > Maximum 20 (twenty) participants
> >
> > Development Geologist, Exploration
> > Geologist, Structure Geologist,
> > Stratigrapher, Geophysicist, PE-Reservoir,
> > and PE-Production* *
> >
> >
> >
> > *AGENDA *
> >  *Day 1 (November 9, 2007): *
> > 1. Depart from Jakarta Int'l Airport SukarnoHatta
> > 2. Arrive in KL (Registration and Hotel Check-in)
> > 3. Briefing
> > *Day 2 (November 10, 2007):** *
> > 1. Start from Kuala Lumpur
> > 2. STOP I (KL – Gondwana Basement)
> > 3. STOP II (Pahang – Olisostrome Bentong Suture)
> > 4. STOP III (Pahang – Triassic Sediments)
> > 5. STOP IV (Pahang – Jurassic-Cretaceous
> >     continental clastics)
> > 6. STOP V (Pahang – Lepar Fault)
> > 7. STOP VI (Pahang – Limestone)
> > 8. End of Day 1 in Pahang* *
> > *Day 3 (November 11, 2007) :*
> > 1. Start from Pahang
> > 2. STOP I (Kuantan – Granitic Basement)
> > 3. STOP II (Kuantan – Granitic Basement)
> > 4. STOP III (Kuantan – Basalt flow)
> > 5. STOP IV (Trengganu – Phyllite/Schist)
> > 6. STOP V-VII (Trengganu – Metasediment
> >     Basement)
> > 7. STOP VIII (Trengganu – Fanglomerate)
> > 8. End of Day 3 in Trengganu
> > *Day 4 (November 12, 2007):** *
> > 1. Hotel check-out
> > 2. Trengganu to KL
> > 3. Depart from KL
> > 4. Arrive in Jakarta Int'l Airport SukarnoHatta
> >
> > Bank Transfer Addressed to:
> > Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia
> > BNI Cab. Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia
> > A/C : 0010740147
> > (RUPIAH)
> > A/C : 0010740158 (DOLLAR)
> > Swift code: BNINIDJAMTG
> > Please send the transfer payment receipt to
> > Secretariat of Field Trip JCB 2007
> > via email (scanned) or fax
> >
> >  **
> >  Phone : (62-765) 826422 (Ardi Nazamzi)
> >                   (62-765) 827142 (Yohanes Bosko)
> > Fax           : (62-765) 826087 (Ardi Nazamzi)
> > Email : *
> >
> >   *
> >
> >
> >
> >   *Note *
> > The registrants will get 5% discount if registered and due date of
> payment
> > before 8th October 2007
> > Cancellation before 20th day of  "D" day will be charge 25 % of cost.
> > No cancellation before 10th  day of "D" day
> >
> >  *Registration and Payment *
> > Please return this filled form to
> > JCB 2007 Secretariat Office
> > ETTI (Exploration Think Tank Indonesia)
> > Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam III
> > No. 2-B
> > Jakarta 12810 Indonesia
> > Phone +62-218356276
> > Fax +62-21-83784140
> >
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The 32nd HAGI, the 36th IAGI, and the 29th IATMI Annual Convention and
> Exhibition,
> Bali Convention Center, 13-16 November 2007
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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