*Batu Hijau Mine and Tambora Area* **
*FIELD TRIP 2007 *
16 - 20 November 2007
(Depart from Denpasar, ended at Mataram)

*Dini Rachmawati *
*Heryadi/Indyo Pratomo *
Minimum 6 persons
Maksimum 15 persons

Geologist, Mineralogist, Geophysicist, Mine Geologists, Volcanologist, and
Member or Non Member IAGI-HAGI-IATMI

Rp 8.000.000,- (IAGI-HAGI-IATMI member)
Rp 10.000.000,- (Non  IAGI-HAGI-IATMI member)
Rp 6.000.000,- (Student)
*Airfare ticket Denpasar-Mataram is included. Stationary Kit, Field Hand
Book, Backpack, T-Shirt, Certificate and Souvenir are **included*
*Registration will be closed on October 26, 2007 and payment is received at
the latest 7 (seven) days before Implementation *

The field trip will try  to examined and learn about the Porphiry
Copper-Gold Mining Activity of PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara at Batu Hijau,
of Sumbawa Barat and Tambora Vocano - Satonda Lake "A Volcanotourism"
Objects at the Dompu – Bima District.
New ideas on play concepts for mineral exploration  and geological features
of the porphiry Gold-Copper Structure at Batu Hijau will be explained
and  through
this trip, the participants have been showed the real mining activites  since
2000 until now as  one of  mining activities in indonesia.
Materials : artefak, ceramics, people body, charcoal etc as the ancient
public activities are buried by the volcanic eruption material "Tambora
Volcano" more than one hundred years will be showed at by this trip. Also
the crater lake of Satonda Island, the little island near Moyo "Lady Di"
Island with the salt water and a few species ( one sponge, one fish
and one thin
shelled) ever found by Kempe, Hamburg and Kazmierczak, 1993.
The Leaders of the trip are experienced explorationist / geologist who both
have long acquitance with PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara and Heryadi
Rachmat/Indiyo Pratomo Who has the experience in exploration of
Archeologi-Volcaology Material and A Volcanotourism Object at Tambora
Volcano – Satonda Lake Crater.

(By plane, boat, car and Ferry)
 *Day 1 *
Denpasar – Mataram – Kayangan – Benete – Maluk (Hotel)
*Day 2 *
Maluk (Hotel) – Batu Hijau – Maluk –
Sumbawa Besar  (Hotel)
*Day 3** *
Sumbawa Besar – Satonda – Saponda – Situs Tambora – Calabai (Guest House)
*Day 4 *
Calabai (Guest House) – Sumbawa Besar – Kayangan – Mataram – Senggigi Beach
(Hotel)-Senggigi sunset ?
*Day 5 *
Senggigi Beach (Hotel) – Airport Mataram – Home

  *For Further Information please contact to : *
*Heryadi Rachmat  (0370) 621356, 08175741150 *
*Dini NNT (0370) 636318 Ext:47708 / 081803721880 *

  *Batu Hijau Mine and Tambora Area , two different gelogical objects: ***
*1.  Batu Hijau : Open pit Mining and ore process activity *
*2. Tambora Area : Volcano at Satonda, fosil at Saponda, archaeology at
Tambora *
*Both Batu Hijau and Tambora are conducted separatly with different cost.
Participant can chose **which one geological object (Item 1 only) or all
objec (Item 1 & 2) *
*The cost of one geological object is only (M) Rp 4.000.000 ; (NM) Rp
5.000.000 ; (Student) Rp **3.000.000 *

  *Note *
The registrants will get 5% discount if registered and due date of payment
before 8th October 2007
Cancellation before 20th day of  "D" day will be charge 25 % of cost.
No cancellation before 10th  day of "D" day

 *Registration and Payment *
Please return this filled form to
JCB 2007 Secretariat Office
ETTI (Exploration Think Tank Indonesia)
Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam III
No. 2-B
Jakarta 12810 Indonesia
Phone +62-218356276
Fax +62-21-83784140

   *Payment Method *
Bank Transfer Addressed to:
Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia
BNI Cab. Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia
A/C : 0010740147
A/C : 0010740158 (DOLLAR)

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