Pak Ade,
  Terima kasih atas komentarnya. Section tomography dari Jan Spaakman dan Pak 
Sri Widyantoro kelihatannya menunjukkan bahwa yang terjadi adalah thrusting ke 
arah timur, forearc dari Sangihe menganjak forearc dari Halmahera. Mungkin 
benar juga bahwa gerak Philippine Sea Plate ke barat yang menyebabkan 
penganjakan ini, terutama di bagian utara, tetapi tidak berjalan untuk 
sepanjang collision zone sampai ke selatan sebab di selatan tetap terbuka 
(zipper-type collision). Yang selatan mungkin tetap sebagai akibat slab-pull 
dari sisi Sangihe dan Halmahera.
  Melihat dimensinya, saya pikir oceanic thrusting ini ini tak akan terjadi 
pengembangan ke oceanic magmatism sebab yang terlibat dalam thrusting sekarang 
adalah forearc accreted crust-nya, bukan oceanic crust hasil spreading dari 
tengah Laut Maluku. Arc magmatism oceanic crust yang masuk ke kedalaman lebih 
dari 100 km telah terjadi di dua sisi, baik di busur Sangihe maupun di busur 
  Dalam paper saya itu, khusus collision sekitar Banda Sea termasuk 
Timor-Tanimbar dan Seram, saya membahas sejarah tektonik Banda Sea yang 
kompleks, dan agar penilaiannya berimbang saya menggunakan publikasi2 dari 
semua schools of thought yang ada yang pernah membahas sejarah Banda Sea : 
Jepang (Kaneko et al. 2007 - termasuk yang Pak Ade tulis di bawah), Prancis 
(Honthaas, Rehault, Maury, Belllon, Malod, Villeneuve, dkk.), dan Amerika (Ron 
Harris). Karena setiap pandangan mereka berbeda, sulit mengkompilasinya. 
  Papernya nanti saya kirimkan via ja-pri.
Ade Kadarusman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Pak Awang,

Pulau di tengah2 Maluku Sea plate (pulau Mayu?), adalah bukti dari intra 
oceanic thrusting, dulunya adalah MOR Maluku Sea plate yang membentuk double 
subduction, kemudian MOR tsb terhenti memproduksi oceanic crust ke arah timur 
dan barat, karena oceanic crust di arah timur berbalik arah gayanya karena gaya 
dari Philiphine Sea plate. Bukti dari MOR tsb bisa dilihat dari seismic 
tomography Pak Sri Widiantoro.

Intra oceanic thrusting ini cikal bakal dari island arc kalau salah satu 
oceanic slab terus menunjam kebawah terhadap oceanic chust yang lainnya, dan 
jika mencapai kedalaman sekitar 100km slab tsb akan melting menciptakan arc 

Boleh saya dikirimi paper Pak Awang tsb, walaupun beberapa statement yang 
disampaikan oleh paper tsb tidak sependapat dengan apa yang saya ketahui 
berdasarkan data-data yang saya punya yang berbeda dengan pendapat paper 

just FYI, tahun ini tiga paper saya terbit di jurnal internasional, dua old 
study as co-author dan yang di Karang sambung is a new fresh data. Yang 
berminat silahkan kontak ke Japri.

Masih ada dua lagi yang belum kelar, satu paper masih tertahan di Editor Jurnal 
karena dianggap tidak mengikuti saran dari reviewer (Ron Harris dan Robert 
Hall) untuk revisi.
Dan satu lagi masih diselesaikan, sudah dikejar-kejar oleh Theo van Leeuwen, 
lanjutan dari paper yg publish di Jurnal asian Earth Sciences thn 2006 (malino 
met complex N Sulawesi),

Judul paper tsb:

Multiple generations of forearc mafic.ultramafic rocks in theTimor.Tanimbar 
ophiolite, eastern Indonesia. Akira Ishikawa, Yoshiyuki Kaneko, Ade Kadarusman 
, Tsutomu Ota, Gondwana Research 11 (2007) 200-217.

On-going orogeny in the outer-arc of the Timor–Tanimbar region, eastern 
Indonesia. Yoshiyuki Kaneko, Shigenori Maruyama, Ade Kadarusman , Tsutomu Ota, 
et al, Gondwana Research 11 (2007) 218–233

P-T Evolution of Eclogites and Blueschists from the Luk Ulo Complex of Central 
Java, Indonesia, Ade Kadarusman et al, International Geology Review, Volume 49, 
Number 4, April 2007, pp. 329-356. 

Salam dari Sorowako
Ade Kadarusman
just jumping to the other side of coin

Awang Satyana wrote:
Barangkali ada gunanya.


Awang Satyana wrote:
To: bagus priyanto 
Geo Unpad 
From: Awang Satyana 
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2007 22:29:23 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Geo_unpad] Re: Busur Magmatik Halmahera

Bagus dan Handito,

Makalah saya dan kawan2 (Satyana et al., 2007) yang baru dipublikasi di 
pertemuan gabungan HAGI-IAGI-IATMI di Bali (14 Nov. 2007) atau wawancara 
wartawan Tempo dengan saya seputar gempa dan volkanisme di Halmahera (Majalah 
tempo edisi September 2007) memuat hal-hal yang ditanyakan.

Busur magmatik Halmahera tetap dikontrol oleh penunjaman kerak samudera Laut 
Maluku yang menunjam ke timur di bawah Halmahera dan menghasilkan busur 
gunungapi hasil penunjaman kerak samudera (subduction related-island arc 
volcanism), misalnya gunungapi2 Gamalama dan Gamkonora. Uniknya, kerak samudera 
Laut Maluku pun menunjam ke barat ke bawah busur Sangihe dan Sulawesi Utara, di 
sini melahirkan gunungapi2 seperti Soputan dan Lokon. Keunikan lain adalah 
bahwa penunjaman ke dua arah ini telah mendekatkan prisma akresi dan cekungan 
depan busur di sistem busur Halmahera dan Sangihe. Lalu, pada Pliosen kedua 
sistem prisma akresi dan cekungan depan busur ini berbenturan mengangkat suatu 
tinggian di tengah2 Laut Maluku yang kita kenal sebagai Punggungan Talaud dan 
Mayu. Pulau2 Talaud dan Mayu dibentuk oleh melange atau prisma akresi tersebut. 
Keunikan lain adalah bahwa model benturan sistem Halmahera dan Sangihe ini 
adalah menutup di utara dan membuka di selatan, seperti sistem
ritsleting di jaket, maka kita sebut saja zipper-shaped collision.

Obduksi di timur Sulawesi tak langsung berhubungan dengan busur magmatik 
Halmahera, yang terobduksi di sini adalah kerak tua Banda yang umurnya lebih 
tua dari kerak samudera Laut Maluku.

Di bawah ada salinan dari makalah tersebut, silakan dipelajari dulu nanti kita 
diskusikan lagi.


The Molluca Sea Collisional Orogen

The Molucca Sea collision zone lies in the area of complex junction between the 
Eurasian, Australian, Pacific, and Philippine Sea plates. Both the Sangihe 
volcanic arc on the west and the Halmahera arc on the east are active, and both 
face inwards towards the Molucca Sea. The present day geology of the Molucca 
Sea region contains a record of the stages in the collision between these two 
arcs (Hall, 2000). The Molucca Sea Plate has an inverted U-shaped configuration 
and is dipping east under Halmahera and west under the Sangihe Arc. Regional 
seismicity suggests that approximately 200-300 km of lithosphere has been 
subducted beneath Halmahera. On the opposite side of the Molucca Sea, the 
Benioff Zone associated with the west-dipping slab can be identified at least 
to a depth of 600 km beneath the Celebes Sea. In the Molucca Sea the two arcs 
of Sangihe and Halmahera are in active collision. The appropriate trenches 
would be expected to outcrop beneath the Molucca Sea, but
instead there is a broad topographic high, the Talaud-Mayu Ridge, which 
apparently marks the site of the collision of the two arc-trench systems, 
composed of their collided accretionary wedges and fore-arc basins.


Westward subduction of the Molucca Sea beneath the Sangihe Arc probably began 
in the early Miocene. Eastward subduction of the Molucca Sea Plate beneath 
Halmahera began in the middle Miocene. The double subduction zone was initiated 
at this time forming a new plate, the Molucca Sea Plate, separate from the 
Philippine Sea Plate. The oldest volcanic rocks dated from the Halmahera Arc 
are 11 Ma in Obi at its southern end and are younger to the north (Baker and 
Malaihollo, 1996). The earliest indications of arc-arc collision are of 
Pliocene age. The wide Molucca Sea collisional complex is composed of the 
accretionary wedges of both arcs. 

The development of the collision complex may be elaborated as follows 
(Hutchison, 1989; Hall, 2000 ) : each of the Sangihe and Halmahera systems was 
previously active and farther apart than now. They constituted each of an 
active volcanic arc, subduction complex, and fore-arc basin. Westwards 
subduction beneath Sangihe was probably active longer than eastwards subduction 
beneath Halmahera because of the deeper Benioff Zone of the former. Hamilton 
(1979) envisioned that subducting lithosphere falls under its own weight into 
the asthenosphere. As it is pulled down, the arc-trench system migrates 
forwards; the two opposed systems migrate forwards and eventually collide. The 
first contact between the two arcs probably occurred in the late Pliocene (Hall 
and Wilson, 2000). The accretion of the subduction complexes must have ceased 
when the two complexes began to collide. Further convergence resulted in 
upbuilding the combined accretionary wedges. Silver and Moore (1981)
inferred that the uplift occurred by thickening of the collision complex 
through folding and movement along reverse faults. Convergence was also 
accommodated by thrusting upwards over the volcanic arc aprons. Ophiolitic 
material was upthrust in the collision complex. The collision complex did not 
have sufficient strength to maintain steep slopes, so there was periodic 
gravitational flow outwards to overlap onto the volcanic arcs. The complex 
material flowed downslope from the ridge, then outwards and upwards onto the 
arc aprons. By this process a two-sided symmetrical collision zone resulted. 
The complex material flowed downslope from the ridge, then outwards and upwards 
onto the arc aprons. By this process a two-sided symmetrical collision zone 

Suturing is at different stages in different places in the Molucca Sea region. 
It is most advanced in the north at the latitude of Talaud where most of the 
Halmahera forearc and arc has been subducted. Further south and on the west 
side of the present arc, the Halmahera forearc is being thrust eastwards over 
the Halmahera Arc. Collision between the two arcs in the Molucca Sea region is 
still continuing. . 


The Molucca Sea collision zone has a remarkable structural symmetry. The 
anatomy of the collision orogen from Halmahera to Sulawesi consists of : 

arc crust of Halmahera 
forearc basin of Halmahera 
collided accretionary prisms of Halmahera-Sangihe (Talaud-Mayu Ridge) 
forearc basin of Sangihe 
arc crust of Sangihe

Ophiolitic rocks form the basement of east Halmahera (Hall and Wilson, 2000). 
They are dismembered and formed in an early Mesozoic intra-oceanic arc. The 
ophiolitic rocks are overlain by Cretaceous, Eocene and Oligocene arc volcanic 
rocks. In the western arms, Oligocene arc volcanic rocks form the basement. 
Miocene carbonates unconformably overlie all the older rocks. The Neogene 
Halmahera Arc became active at approximately 11 Ma. Volcanism began earliest in 
the south and extended northwards producing a volcanic arc similar in position 
and extent to the present Halmahera Arc. To the west of the arc, turbidites and 
debris flows were deposited below steep west facing submarine slopes containing 
material derived from a region of volcanic arc rocks and reef limestones. 

Forearc basins of Halmahera and Sangihe develop in southern sector of the 
collisional orogen. At the north, forearc basin of Halmahera and its forearc 
crust have subducted and been thrust by collided accretionary prisms of 
Sangihe-Halmahera. Where the forearc basins develop, they receive sediments 
from adjacent high areas (collided accretionary prism and/or accreted crust).

Collided accretionary prisms at the middle of the Molucca Sea form the orogenic 
core of the collisional orogen (high central ridge). The uplifted orogen forms 
the Talaud, Mayu, and Tifore islands, hence forming the Talaud-Mayu Ridge 
(Simandjuntak and Barber, 1996). The Talaud-Mayu Ridge records the collision of 
the Sangihe and Halmahera forearcs. This central zone is marked by intense 
shallow seismicity and a low gravity. Previous workers (Silver and Moore, 1978; 
Hamilton, 1979) called this as mélange wedge or collision complex. Sukamto et 
al. (1981) reported the occurrence of deformed Tertiary sedimentary rocks and, 
in part, of mélange, in Talaud Island containing blocks of peridotite, 
serpentinite, gabbro, and volcanic and Tertiary sedimentary rocks within a 
sheared matrix. However, although mélanges may have formed during collision 
they are not yet exposed onshore. Those on Talaud and Mayu were not formed 
during the present collision but are part of the pre-Neogene
basement of the Sangihe forearc (Hall and Wilson, 2000). The presumed mélanges 
of the modern collision complex are all submarine and constitute part of the 
bathymetrically shallow and seismically incoherent volume of sediment in the 
central Molucca Sea. Accretionary material from both forearcs has contributed 
to this melange wedge. On the Sangihe side the sediments in the accretionary 
complex date from the middle Miocene. On the Halmahera side they probably date 
from the late Miocene.

Nature of Deformation

The Talaud-Mayu Ridge is part of a broad deformed ridge of clastic sediments 
bounded on the east and west by topographic troughs which mark the location of 
thrust contacts with the adjacent aprons. Seismic reflection profiles across 
the Ridge are interpreted as tectonic mélange and complexely folded rocks. They 
indicate that the collision complex is thrust upwards and eastwards over the 
Halmahera volcanic arc apron. The western margin is similarly upthrust 
westwards (Hutchison, 1989) 

In the northern Molucca Sea the Sangihe forearc was thrust eastwards onto the 
Halmahera forearc and arc. In the region between Morotai and the Snellius 
ridge, parts of the Neogene Halmahera Arc and forearc have disappeared. A cross 
section between Morotai and the Sangihe Arc shows the overthrusting of the 
Halmahera Arc by its own backarc which occurred at the end of the Pliocene 
(Hall, 2000; Hall and Wilson, 2000). Further south this east-vergent thrusting 
carried the Halmahera forearc onto the flanks of the active Halmahera Arc, and 
now pre-Neogene rocks of the Halmahera forearc basement are exposed in islands 
of the Bacan group and off the coast of northwest Halmahera. Where the 
Halmahera forearc and arc have been significantly overthrust the Sangihe 
forearc has been jacked up. The overthrusting of one forearc by the other has 
led to major thickening of the accretionary complex producing the large volume 
of low density material and associated gravity low of the central
Molucca Sea. Thickening of the collision complex by the accretion of the 
Halmahera accretionary wedge and forearc crust, and by shortening of the 
Sangihe Forearc, has caused the uplift of forearc basement in the Talaud 
islands (and locally in Mayu) where ophiolites are exposed. The wide Molucca 
Sea collisional complex is composed of the accretionary wedges of both arcs. 
The forearc basement of the Sangihe Arc is exposed where it thrusts over this 
wedge. The present Halmahera trench or trough broadly represents the frontal 
thrust of the Sangihe forearc, which is overriding the Halmahera forearc and 
arc. Locally there is backthrusting of the Sangihe forearc towards the Sangihe 
arc at the Sangihe trench or trough, but this is a relatively minor feature.

SULAWESI Collisional Orogen 

Sulawesi Islands in Central Indonesia provides a good place to examine 
collision tectonics. The islands were assembled by collision of terranes and 
have been modified by post-collision escape tectonics (Satyana, 2006a). 
Collision of two microcontinental blocks of Buton-Tukang Besi and Banggai-Sula 
with the eastern part of the island initiated the Neogene orogeny in Sulawesi 
(Simandjuntak and Barber, 1996). 


There is no significant difference of the interpretations on the origin of 
collision of microcontinents (Banggai-Sula and Buton-Tukang Besi) to the east 
of Sulawesi with eastern Sulawesi. Generally, workers here believed that these 
two microcontinents, having separated from the northern continental margin of 
Australia, possibly from the region of the Bird’s Head, were carried westwards 
along the Sorong transcurrent fault zone by the movements of the Philippine Sea 
plate and collided with the eastern margin of the ophiolite complex of East 
Sulawesi. Difference of interpretations lies on the timing of collision. 

Hall (1996) reconstructed the detachment of the microcontinents from the Bird’s 
Head of Papua, their transfer to the west, and their collisions with eastern 
Sulawesi. At 20 Ma (Early Miocene), these microcontinents were dismembered from 
the Bird’s Head by the Sorong Fault splay. At 15 Ma, a strand of the Sorong 
Fault propagated westward, at 11 Ma Buton-Tukang Besi collided with Sulawesi. 
Collision of Buton-Tukang Besi with Sulawesi locked the strand of the Sorong 
Fault and requiring a development of a new fault strand which caused the 
detachment of Banggai-Sula microcontinent. Banggai-Sula drifted northward and 
collided with East Sulawesi ophiolites. Overthrusting of the ophiolites onto 
the western edge of Banggai-Sula microcontinent occurred in the latest Miocene 
(Davies, 1990) indicating that collision of the Sula platform with East 
Sulawesi must have occurred at 5 Ma (end of Miocene). Garrard et al. (1988) 
interpreted that collision of Banggai-Sula with eastern
Sulawesi took place initially from middle Miocene. 

The collision caused the leading edges of the Buton-Tukang Besi and 
Banggai-Sula microcontinents were thrust beneath the ophiolites, obducted the 
ophiolites onto the microcontinental blocks. The collision has uplifted the 
tightly folded, faulted and imbricated ophiolites and their pelagic covers to 
heights more than 3000 meters (Simandjuntak, 1986; Garrard et al., 1988; 
Davidson, 1991). Also, as a result of the collision, the metamorphic belt of 
Central Sulawesi was thrust westwards over West Sulawesi and uplifted to form 
mountain ranges of nearly 3000 meters. These mountain ranges were formed by 
collision, hence they called as the Sulawesi Collisional Orogen. 


The Sulawesi collisional orogen involves regions from the Banggai-Sula 
microcontinent, through the Batui Thrust orogen in eastern Sulawesi, Ophiolite 
Belt of East Sulawesi, Metamorphic Belt of Central Sulawesi, Magmatic Arc of 
Western Sulawesi, and a fold-thrust belt at western Sulawesi to the eastern 
side of the Makassar Strait. The Makassar Strait, western Sulawesi and central 
Sulawesi are underlain by continental crust of the easternmost part of the 
Sundaland (Simandjuntak and Barber, 1996). Therefore, the Sulawesi Orogen 
records collision of continent-continent.

Based on the history of collision where the Banggai-Sula microcontinent 
collided the eastern part of Sulawesi, the Banggai-Sula microcontinent is on 
foreland position (pro-foreland) whereas the East Sulawesi eastwards are on 
hinterland position (retro-foreland side). Based on Garzanti et al. (2007)’s 
classification, the Sulawesi Orogen is from Alpine-type collision orogen where, 
like the Meratus Orogen, two continents suture together, resulting in 
high-relief, thick-skinned, doubly vergent, “push-arc” orogen. 

The elements of anatomy of the Sulawesi Orogen from foreland to hinterland 
positions (from Banggai-Sula to the Makassar Straits comprise : 

undeformed or mild-deformed continental Banggai-Sula Platform, 
pro-foreland basin of Banggai, 
pro-foredeep of the Banggai Basin, 
pro-foreland fold and fault/thrust belt of the Banggai Basin, 
suture/axial belt/ of East Sulawesi Ophiolites, 
internal metamorphic zone of Central Sulawesi, 
internal igneous zone of magmatic arc of western Sulawesi, 
retro-foreland fold and fault/thrust belt of the Lariang Basin, 
retro-foredeep of the Lariang Basin, 
retro-foreland of the Lariang Basin, 
undeformed North Makassar attenuated continental basement. 

The East Sulawesi Ophiolite (ESO) and Central Sulawesi Metamorphics form the 
orogenic core where they have been uplifted to the heights of around 3000 
meters. The East Sulawesi Ophiolite is one of the three largest ophiolites in 
the world (Monnier et al., 1995; Kadarusman et al., 2004). It comprises, from 
base to top, residual mantle peridotite (spinel lherzolite, intercalated with 
harzburgite and dunite), mafic-ultramafic cumulate through layered to isotropic 
gabbro, to sheeted dolerites, and basaltic volcanic rocks (lavas) of normal 
mid-oceanic-ridge basalt (MORB) composition. Major and trace element 
geochemistry of basalt and dolerite suggests origins of MOR, oceanic plateau 
(major), and supra-subduction zone (minor). Based on the chemical similarity 
between the ESO lavas and those from the Eocene Celebes Sea back-arc basin 
crust together with their identical age, Monnier et al., (1995) suggested that 
the ESO was initially generated in a back-arc tectonic environment
representing a fragment of the Eurasian Plate obducted onto the East Sulawesi 
basement of Australian origin. However, Kadarusman et al. (2004) based on 
published paleolatitude data of lava sequence in the Balantak area 
reconstructed using plate trajectory analyses, indicated that the site of 
generation of the ESO was somewhere at area located 2000 kms south from the 
present position (it is also possible 10,000 kms SW from the present position). 
The site of generation is considered in SW Pacific area (?), near the compound 
of the Pacific oceanic plateau and seamounts generated by SW Pacific 
superplume. Referred to the relationship between time of ophiolite generation 
(erupted age) of ESO which is 138 Ma, and time of ophiolite emplacement (ESO 
obduction onto Sundaland Craton at 30 Ma), then the ESO has 108 Ma migrating 
period. This migration period should be examined by the rate of plates 
convergence between Pacific and Eurasia plates during the Late 

The Central Sulawesi Metamorphic Belt, anatomically, forms an internal 
metamorphic zone of the Sulawesi collisional orogen. The belt is called the 
Pompangeo Schist Complex (Parkinson, 1991; Parkinson et al., 1998). It is 
predominantly composed of high-pressure (HP) phyllitic marble, calcareous 
phyllite, graphitic schist, quartzite and metaconglomerate; rocks predominantly 
of shallow marine and continental margin origin. The schists are relatively 
coherent and increases in metamorphic grade from east to west. K-Ar dating of 
phengite from three schist samples yielded ages of around 111 Ma, indicating 
that underthrusting of the margin of the continental fragment resulted in the 
recrystallization of the supracrustal sediments to become Pompangeo schists 
occurred in late Early Cretaceous. Parkinson (1991) reported K–Ar ages of 33–28 
Ma from phengites and Ca–Na amphiboles from central Sulawesi. There, the 
sub-ophiolite sole experienced a blueschist overprint after the 32–28 Ma

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