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Indonesia to pull out of OPEC: minister

JAKARTA (AFP) — Indonesia will withdraw from the Organisation of
Petroleum Exporting Countries after years of declining exports, the
energy minister said Wednesday even as other producers cash in on
soaring oil prices.

The only Southeast Asian member of the cartel has become a net oil
importer and will not bother to renew its OPEC membership at the end
of this year, Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Purnomo
Yusgiantoro said.

"When I get back to the office ... I will sign that we withdraw from
OPEC," Yusgiantoro told a group of foreign reporters at a lunch in

Analysts said the withdrawal should be a wake-up call to Indonesia to
boost its spending on crumbling infrastructure and accused past
governments of failing to manage the country's abundant oil and gas

Yusgiantoro said President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had told a recent
budget planning meeting that he had decided to pull the country out of
OPEC, which accounts for 40 percent of the world's oil supplies.

But the minister said Indonesia, one of the smallest OPEC members,
could rejoin if production increased in line with an ongoing effort to
boost capacity after years of declining investment.

"If our production comes back again to a level that gives us the
status of a net oil exporter then I think we can go back to OPEC," he

Indonesia's membership of OPEC will expire at the end of 2008 when its
current paid membership of the organisation runs out, Yusgiantoro

"We already paid the fee this year ... the fee is about two million
euros (3.14 million dollars)," he said.

Indonesian officials have for years been weighing up the benefits of
pulling out of OPEC, which the country joined in 1961.

While other members have enjoyed windfall profits on the back of high
global oil prices, Indonesia has been unable to get enough of its 4.37
billion barrels in proven reserves to the market.

As a net oil importer Indonesia would prefer lower prices but OPEC has
been reluctant to boost supply to ease pressure on markets, where oil
hit an all-time high above 135 dollars per barrel last week.

Parliament energy committee chairman Agusman Effendi said OPEC's
failure to do more to boost supply had made Indonesia's decision to
withdraw from the cartel easier.

"If OPEC had more solidarity with its members and helped those like us
who are suffering from the current high prices, it would have been a
different matter," he said.

He conceded the oil giants were unlikely to listen to Jakarta's complaints.

"Indonesia is such a small producer, its output means nothing compared
to that of most of the other members. Our pullout will mean nothing,"
he said.

The cost of sustaining massive fuel subsidies in the face of record
oil prices forced the Indonesian government last week to hike the
retail fuel price by some 30 percent.

The move has sparked widespread protests and piled pressure on the
government ahead of elections next year.

Oil production in the archipelago has been in decline since 1995 with
yields dropping in well-established fields, Yusgiantoro said.

The government earlier this year lowered its oil sales estimate for
2008 to 927,000 barrels a day from a previous 1.034 million barrels.

Kurtubi, an oil and gas analyst at the Center for Petroleum and
Economics Studies, said the decline in Indonesia's oil production was
a result of failure by successive governments to promote investment
and exploration.

"The withdrawal of Indonesia from OPEC is actually something very
embarrassing. It only shows the failures of the government," he said.

2008/5/28 oki musakti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Sekilas saya dengar di warta beritanya SBS bahwa Indonesia cabut dari OPEC 
> dengan alasan sudah jadi net importir minyak.
>  Benarkah ini, koq beritanya belum muncul di ya?
>  Kalau memang benar, turut berduka cita.....
>  Salam
>  O'

* acara utama: 27-28 Agustus 2008
* penerimaan abstrak: kemarin2 s/d 30 April 2008
* pengumuman penerimaan abstrak: 15 Mei 2008
* batas akhir penerimaan makalah lengkap: 15 Juli 2008
* abstrak / makalah dikirimkan ke:
username: iagi2008
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* pendaftaran calon ketua: 13 Pebruari - 6 Juni 2008
* penghitungan suara: waktu PIT IAGI Ke-37 di Bandung

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