Pak Nyoto,
terima kasih pak file Pdf-nya

Saya sendiri juga baru tahu kalau log GR jaman dulu satuaannya bukan API tetapi 
masih CPS...


----- Original Message ----
From: nyoto - ke-el <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 12:13:37 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Tanya mengenai unit Log

Pak Prawoto,

Bisa coba dilihat di link dibawah ini (dari Schlumberger Log Principles
Textbook) :;

Disitu ada file2 pdf-nya yg bisa di-copy langsung, didalam buku2 tsb ada
teori mengenai log GR & Density serta log2 lainnya, bagaimana cara
pengukurannya & kalibrasinya ke angka2 porosity dll.

Saya akan coba attach-kan salah satu textbooknya yg ada teori log GR &
density, tapi ke japri aja ya, soalnya filenya besar2.

Dibawah (warna biru) ini saya coba juga copykan sedikit "teori"nya.

Semoga membantu.




Density logs arc primarily used as porosity logs. Other

uses include identification of minerals in evaporite

deposits, detection of gas, determination of hydrocarbon

density, evaluation of shaly sands and complex

lithologies, determinations of oil-shale yield, calculation

of overburden pressure and rock mechanical properties.


A radioactive source, applied to the borehole wall in a

shielded sidewall skid, emits medium-energy gamma rays

into the formations. These gamma rays may be thought

of as high-velocity particles that collide with the electrons

in the formation. At each collision a gamma ray loses

some, but not all, of its energy to the electron, and then

continues with diminished energy. This type of interaction

is known as Compton scattering. The scattered gamma

rays reaching the detector, at a fixed distance from

the source, are counted as an indication of formation


The number of Compton-scattering collisions is related

directly to the number of electrons in the formation. Consequently,

the response of the density tool is determined

essentially by the electron density (number of electrons

per cubic centimeter) of the formation. Electron density

is related to the true bulk density, eb, which, in turn,

depends on the density of the rock matrix material, the

formation porosity, and the density of the fluids filling

the pores.


To minimize the influence of the mud column, the skidmounted

source and detector are shielded. The openings

of the shields are applied against the wall of the borehole

by an eccentering arm. The force exerted by the arm, and

the plow-shaped design of the skid, allow it to cut through

soft mudcakes. Any mudcake or mud remaining between

the tool and the formation is "seen" as part of the formation

and must be accounted for.

A correction is needed when the contact between the

skid and the formations is not perfect (mudcake or irregularities

in the borehole wall). In unfavorable cases

this correction can be fairly large. If only one detector

is used, the correction is not easy to determine because

it depends on the thickness, the weight, and even the composition

of the mudcake or mud interposed between the

skid and the formations.

In the FDC* compensated formation density tool, two

detectors of differing spacing and depth of investigation

are used, as shown on Fig. 5-12. The chart of Fig. S-13

is a plot of long-spacing versus short-spacing count rates.

Points for a given value of eb and various mudcake conditions

fall on or very close to an average curve. Using

Fig. B-12-Schematic drawing of the dual spacing Formation

Density Logging Device (FDC). (Ref. 16)

Fig. 5-13-"Spine-and-ribs" plot, showing response of FDC

counting rates to mudcake. (Ref. 16)

these average curves it is possible to enter the chart with

the two count rates and determine the corrected eb from

the plot without any explicit measurement of mudcake

density or thickness. This measurement technique is referred

to as "spine and ribs."

The correction is made automatically and the corrected

~b curve and Ae (the correction made) are recorded

directly on the log (Fig. S-14).

The distance between the face of the skid and the extremity

of the eccentering arm is recorded as a caliper

log, which helps to assess the quality of contact between

the skid and the formation.

2008/9/11 prawoto syuhada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Bapak dan ibu sekalian, ada pertanyaan dari seorang mahasiswa, apakah ada
> yang bisa bantu????
> Pertanyaan lengkapnya:
> Perkenalkan nama saya Hidayat Saputra
> Saya seorang mahasiswa Teknik Geofisika yang sedang melaksanakan Tugas
> Akhir (TA).
> Saya ingin bertanya pak.....
> 1. Bagaimana prinsip dasar pengukuran log GR dan log density
> sehingga bisa di dapat satuan Counts Per Second (CPS). atau API dan
> Gramm/Cc
> 2. Bagaimana cara mengkonversi log Gamma Ray dari CPS ke pada API.
> 3. Bagaimana cara mengkonversi log Density dari Counts Per Second (CPS) ke
> Gram/ CC
> Adakah Rumus yang bisa digunakan untuk mengkonversi satuan
> tersebut. Bagaimana cara perhitungannya? Adakah buku atau paper yang
> dapat saya baca untuk penjelasan diatas?
> Bantuan dan penjelasan dari Bapak sangat saya harapkan
> Atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terima kasih.
> Jawabannya di tunggu ya......
> Hormat saya
> Hidayat S.


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