Pak Herman,
Sedikit berita updated dari saya mengenai Geopark Indonesia, IAGI,
khususnya IAGI Pengda Nusra (diprakarsai oleh Pak Heryadi Rachmat),
disupport oleh Direktorat Vulkanologi dan beberapa rekan dari Bandung
(i.e. Pak Budi Brahmantyo) sedang menggodok rencana Gunungapi Rinjani
untuk jadi Geopark. Insya Allah, Rinjani akan menjadi Geopark pertama
di Indonesia.

Beberapa bulan lalu, saya bersama dengan Pak Igan dan Pak Indyo dari
Dit. Vulkano sudah bertemu dengan Pak Giuseppe-Unesco Jakarta untuk
membahas masalah ini. Selanjutnya bolanya ada di tangan kita.

Silakan Pak Budi atau Pak Heryadi bisa menambahkan.....


On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 5:25 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rekan-rekan IAGI,
> Saya kirimkan bersama ini artikel mengenai Geoparks. Initiatif ini 
> kelihatannya menarik, tapi Indonesia belum ikut. Atau mungkin saya tidak tau 
> kalau ada diantara rekan-rekan ada yang ikut kerja dalam bidang ini 
> (Geopariwisata?). Di IUGS website saya lihat nama Andang Bachtiar masih 
> tercantum sebagai ketua IAGI dengan status tidak aktif.
> Salam,
> Herman Darman
> __________
> Geoparks - Promotion of Earth Sciences through Geoheritage
> Conservation, Education and Tourism
> Department Earth Sciences, University Munich, Luisenstrasse 37, 80333 
> Muenchen, Germany
> Abstract: It is rather new that "Geoparks" are on the international agenda. 
> Only since some 10 years apart from
> geologists and palaeontologists, "environmentalists" and planners noticed 
> that geo-conservation in addition for protecting
> damaged or endangered sites provides also a fundamental tool for 
> geo-scientific research, education, training and socioeconomic
> development.
> In 2001 UNESCO was invited by its Executive Board to highlight the importance 
> of territories or natural parks with
> special geological or geo-morphological features. This initiative introduces 
> a unique international framework linking
> socio-economic development and conservation. Apart from "traditional" 
> geo-programmes, like UNESCO-IUGS'
> "International Geoscience Programme" (IGCP), and other geo-research oriented 
> programmes (e.g. ICDP, IODP, ILP),
> the Geopark Initiative works closely with UNESCO's World Heritage Centre, the 
> Man and Biosphere (MAB) World
> Network of Biosphere Reserves and national and international undertakings, as 
> well as non-governmental organisations
> active in geological or geomorphological heritage conservation. The recently 
> established "Global Geoparks Network"
> initiative of UNESCO contributes remarkably to the promotion and 
> popularization of Earth Sciences and to the United
> Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014).
> Geoparks are as such excellent instruments in highlighting Earth sciences; 
> notably those included in the European
> and/or Global Geoparks Networks, contribute to local or regional 
> socio-economic sustainable development - mainly by
> geo-tourism - and are providing an international platform of cooperation and 
> exchange between experts and practitioners
> in geological and geo-morphological heritage matters. The general goal of 
> Geoparks to integrate the preservation of
> geological heritage into a strategy for regional sustainable economic and 
> cultural development serves ideally the overall
> objective of the UN "International Year of Planet Earth" (2008) with its 
> subtitle "Earth Sciences for Society".
> Guidelines for the establishment of and information on National Geoparks 
> seeking UNESCO's assistance are available
> on the website
> Keywords: Geoparks, Geoheritage, Earth Science, Conservation, Education, 
> Tourism
>> Herman Darman
>> Regional Exploration Geologist - Caspian Region
>> Shell International Exploration and Production B.V., The Hague, The 
>> Netherlands - Trade Register no. 27002688
>> *   e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> *   Mobile: +31(0) 61097 2827
>> * Office: +31(0) 70447 5340
>> * Postal: SIEP B.V, Kessler Park 1, S-2100,  2288 GS Rijswijk, The 
>> Netherlands
>        * Internet:
> This message, any attachment and response string are confidential and may be 
> legally privileged. It is intended only for the use of the parties to whom it 
> is addressed. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message please 
> notify the sender immediately by reply email and destroy this message. All 
> information and attachments remain the property of Shell.

serah-terima pp-iagi: senin sore, 13 oktober 2008
pasukan sedang disusun, hanya satu IAGI...
ayo, segera pula siapkan utk PIT IAGI ke-38
dg tuan-rumah adalah PENGDA JATENG
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