Berita dibawah ini dikutip dari website Pemda Makassar.
katanya ada cyclone pada tgl 13 january 2009 dan meminta korban jiwa.
apakah kita tidak punya sistem pantau cyclone ?
Bapak2 dan Ibu2 dari BMG mungkin bisa memberikan sedikit penerangan apakah kita 
bisa juga pantau cyclone sejak terjadinya sampai matinya.
dan kalau tidak/belum bisa apa kendalanya.
sangat disayangkan bahwa teknologi nya sudah ada tetapi kita tetap belum 
memakainya atau kecolongan yang satu ini.


Ship carrying 250 sinks in rough seas off West Sulawesi

Tuesday, 13 January 2009 

A ship carrying 250 passengers and 17 crew
members sank in rough seas in waters off Baturoro in Majene regency, West 
Sulawesi, on Sunday. Rustam Pakaya, head of the
Health Ministry’s crisis center, said six people had been confirmed dead in the
accident, Reuters reported.

A joint search-and-rescue team pulled 150 passengers from the water, and 18
others were rescued by fishermen. The ship had departed from Pare-pare in South
Sulawesi at 5:45 p.m. local time (4:45 p.m. Jakarta time) on Saturday on a 
voyage through the Makassar Strait to Samarinda, capital
of East Kalimantan. The ship sank at about 4
a.m. after being hit by a cyclone in rough seas.

“There’s currently a tropical cyclone that is causing tides of 5 to 6 meters,”
Jusman Syafi’i Djamal told Reuters. Transportation Ministry spokesman Bambang
Ervan said the missing persons had not been acounted for. "We still don't
know whether they had lifejackets on when the ship was hit, and it happened at
dawn so most people were probably asleep," he said.

The 747-ton ship, skippered by captain Sabir, sent its last transmission at 2
a.m. to the Pare-pare port, the port administrator Nurwahidah said. The ship
was seaworthy and was not overcrowded, port authority official Taufik said.The
accident was purely caused by bad weather,” he added.

Hundreds of ships have been lost in Indonesian waters, many due to overcrowding
or poor maintenance. n December 2006, about 500 people were killed when a ship
sank during a storm in the Java Sea. Majene Police
reported that 18 passengers -- including three crew members and the captain --
had been ound alive by local fishermen.
A worker at the Majene port master office, Bakri, said his office had learned
of the accident at about 4 p.m. after the ship’s cook Ahmad, who was among the
rescued passengers, filed a report with the port master office. Ahmad said the
ship had been capsized by waves that had risen 2 meters above the deck of the
ship. Authorities said it was likely the ship sank about 50 kilometers from the

In Samarinda, 12 residents gave the names of 34 relatives onboard the ship,
according to Samarinda seaport police chief Adj. Comr. Handoko. He said other
passengers’ relatives might still be unaware of the accident. “The ship was
scheduled to arrive in Samarinda on Monday at 8 a.m.,” he said. Police have
assigned a team to gather and distribute information about the accident. 
(Andi Hajramurni and Nurni Sulaiman - JP)

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