Dapat info dari teman, siapa tahu ada yang berminat
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Teman saya (Dr. Jian Li) di CSIRO Mineral mencoba juga mencari
kandidat PhD melalui saya. Oleh sebab itu, informasi tersebut saya
sampaikan kepada rekan-rekan, semoga ada dari rekan-rekan yang sesuai
dengan bidang tersebut dapat mencoba melamarnya. Boleh langsung
menghubungi teman saya tersebut, atau menghubungi saya untuk informasi
Semoga bermanfaat, mohon maaf jika ada yang kurang berkenan.
Tolong disampaikan kepada rekan-rekan lain yang sesuai bidang tersebut. 

--- On Fri, 6/3/09, Abrar.Muslim@ csiro.au <Abrar.Muslim@ csiro.au> wrote:

From: Abrar.Muslim@ csiro.au <Abrar.Muslim@ csiro.au>
Subject: FW: Parker Centre PhD oppurtunity
To: abrar_muslim2003@ yahoo.com. au
Received: Friday, 6 March, 2009, 1:15 PM


From: Li, Jian (Minerals, Waterford) 
Sent: Friday, 6 March 2009 1:20 PM
To: Muslim, Abrar (Minerals, Waterford)
Subject: Parker Centre PhD oppurtunity

Hi Abrar,
Please find the website for my PhD project: http://www.parkerce ntre.com. 
au/education_ and_training/ New_potential_ PhD_project- BM3-Sept2008. html
tell your friends about this opportunity, they can contact me directly
if they wish to find out more details about this project, or go to the
Parker Centre website to find out more potential PhD projects in CSIRO
Thanks very much for your help
Proposed PhD project 
(September 2008) 
Mineralogy and Leaching Performance of Laterite Ores
Prof Arie van Riessen & Dr Robert Hart (Curtin University Dept of Imaging and 
Applied Physics), Dr Jian Li (CSIRO Minerals),
 Dr Robbie McDonald (CSIRO Minerals) 
Australia has vast resources of low-grade nickel laterites (ie grade
<0.8% nickel) that are currently uneconomic to process. Pressure,
atmospheric and heap leaching are the three major technologies that are
commercially applied to extract nickel from these types of ores. A
major problem for atmospheric and heap leaching is that some ores, and
in particular limonite ores, are quite acid resistant, leading to low
nickel extraction (<50%) over a time period when other ores leach
understanding of limonite ore mineralogy will assist industry to assess
leaching performance under atmospheric and heap leaching conditions.
This project proposes to examine the key mineralogical factors
responsible for the poor leaching performance of limonite ores under
atmospheric and heap leaching conditions. 
successful applicant will join a growing team of mineral
characterisation scientists. He/she will be trained in state-of-art
technologies including TEM, SEM, QEM*SCAN, QXRD (including Rietveld
analysis) and other characterisation techniques. The applicant will
also have the opportunity to develop skills in the
hydrometallurgical processing of nickel laterite ores. 

Dr Jian Li

Research Scientist

CSIRO Minerals (The Parker Centre)
Australian Mineral Research Centre
Mail: PO Box 7229, Karawara, WA 6152,

7 Conlon Street, Waterford  WA 6102

Tel: +61 8 9334 8944
Fax: +61 8 9334 8001

Web: www.minerals. csiro.au  


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