Mampu mendeteksi 1-10 detik sebelum goyangan gempa ?
Hmm, apa yang dapat kita lakukan dalam waktu 10 detik ?

Pak Djedi, Pak Danny, dkk. Ada komentar tehnis ?


 Earthquake Early Warning System Possible
Released: 12/14/2009 10:51:48 AM
Contact Information:
U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Office of Communication
119 National Center
Reston, VA 20192        Erik Pounders 1-click interview
Phone: (626) 583-6801

Leslie Gordon 1-click interview
Phone: (650) 793-1534

An earthquake early warning system for California is feasible in
coming years, according to research being presented Dec. 14-15 at the
American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco.  The ongoing
study demonstrates that an earthquake early warning system for
California is possible and lays out how such a system could be built.

Earthquake early warning systems, already successfully deployed in
Mexico, Japan and Taiwan, can detect an earthquake in progress and
provide notice of seconds to tens of seconds prior to actual ground
shaking. Building on developments in other countries with significant
earthquake risk, scientists are exploring early warning in the United

After a three-year earthquake early warning study funded by the U.S.
Geological Survey was completed in August 2009, a second USGS-funded
project was launched to integrate the previously tested methods into a
single prototype warning system. When completed, this pilot system,
called the California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN) ShakeAlert
System, will provide warning to a small group of test users, including
emergency response groups, utilities, and transportation agencies.
While in the testing phase, the system will not provide public alerts.

The CISN ShakeAlert system will detect strong shaking at an
earthquake's epicenter and transmit alerts ahead of the damaging
earthquake waves. The speed of an electronic warning message is faster
than the speed of earthquake waves traveling through the earth.
Potential applications include stopping elevators at the nearest
floor, slowing or halting trains, monitoring critical systems, and
alerting people to move to safer locations. In warning systems
deployed abroad, alerts are distributed via TV and radio networks, the
Internet, cell phones and pagers.

The earthquake early warning test uses real-time data from the
California Integrated Seismic Network. The CISN is part of the USGS
Advanced National Seismic System, through which the USGS aims to
broadly improve earthquake monitoring and reporting in the United
States. Funding for the CISN is provided by the USGS and the state of

The EEW study is a collaboration among the USGS, the California
Institute of Technology, the University of California-Berkeley, the
Swiss Seismological Service and the Southern California Earthquake

In the next two years American Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus
funding will be used to upgrade many of the older, slower seismic
instruments throughout the CISN. These older instruments introduce
time delays and would slow down early warning alerts.

The relevant sessions at AGU are shown below.
Poster presentations, Moscone South, Poster Hall

Monday, Dec. 14, 1:40 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

S13A-1718. CISN ShakeAlert: Three Years of Comparative Real-Time
Earthquake Early Warning Testing in California G. B. Cua; R. M. Allen;
M. Boese; H. Brown; D. Given; M. Fischer; E. Hauksson; T. H. Heaton;
M. Hellweg; T. H. Jordan; O. Khainovski; P. J. Maechling; D. S.
Neuhauser; D. H. Oppenheimer; K. Solanki

S13A-1719. CISN ShakeAlert: Specification of the Prototype Earthquake
Early Warning System H. Brown; R. M. Allen; M. Boese; G. B. Cua; D. D.
Given; E. Hauksson; M. Fischer; T. H. Heaton; M. Hellweg; T. H.
Jordan; O. Khainovski; P. J. Maechling; D. S. Neuhauser; D. H.
Oppenheimer; K. Solanki

S13A-1720. CISN ShakeAlert: Using early warnings for earthquakes in
California M. Vinci; M. Hellweg; L. M. Jones; O. Khainovski; K.
Schwartz; D. Lehrer; R. M. Allen; D. S. Neuhauser
Oral presentations, Moscone West, Room 2005

Tuesday, Dec. 15

8:00 a.m.-8:15 a.m.

S21C-01. The current status of earthquake early warning around the
world (Invited) R. M. Allen

8:30 a.m.-8:45 a.m.

S21C-03. CISN ShakeAlert - Towards a Prototype Earthquake Early
Warning System for California M. Böse; R. M. Allen; H. Brown; G. B.
Cua; D. Given; M. Fischer; E. Hauksson; T. H. Heaton; M. Hellweg; T.
H. Jordan; O. Khainovski; P. J. Maechling; D. S. Neuhauser; D. H.
Oppenheimer; K. Solanki

8:45 a.m.-9:00 a.m.

21C-04. Earthquake Early Warning: A Prospective User's Perspective
(Invited) S. P. Nishenko; W. U. Savage; T. Johnson

USGS provides science for a changing world. For more information,

Subscribe to USGS News Releases via our electronic mailing list or RSS feed.

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