rekan2 penghuni iagi-net, silakan diterima informasi ttg beasiswa dari
FESI di bawah ini.


Formation Evaluation Society of Indonesia
Application for Scholarship- Year 2009-2010

Name    __________________________________________      Date ________________

Home Address ___________________________________________________________
                _____________________________ Phone Number__________________

Present Address __________________________________________________________

                _____________________________   Phone Number _________________

University      ____________________________________________________________

University Address      ______________________________________________________

Degree Major    ____________________________    Years Completed _______________

Current Grade Point Avg. (based on 4.0)    _____________________________________

List Scholastic Honors Received    ___________________________________________


List Civic or Athletic Activities of Interest


List Any Previous Scholarships Received ______________________________________

List Any Previous work Experience       

Name, Relation and Occupation of Person Whom Pays Your University Fees



Address  ___________________________________________________________

Phone Number    _________________________

Additional Requirements

Scholastic Records
Attach a certified transcript of your scholastic grades for all
university courses taken to date.

Letters of Recommendation
Letters of recommendation from two of your university faculty are
required.  Please request your references to email the recommendation
direct to FESI at;

Education and Career Objectives
Scholarship awards are intended to aid university students registered
as a full time student at a recognized university.  FESI scholarships
are intended to benefit those students enrolled in a course of study
that is directly related to or bearing a reasonable relationship to
the science of oil and gas or other mineral formation evaluation.
Please provide a short narrative (1-2 paragraphs) of why you are
interested in formation evaluation and how you plan to use it in your
future career.

Additional Information
Please supply any other information which you feel is relevant to this

Signature of Applicant  _____________________________________

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ricky Adi Wibowo <>
Date: Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 9:05 AM
Subject: FW: 2009-2010 Formation Evaluation Society of Indonesia
(FESI) Scholarship

Pak Syaiful Yth.,

Kami dari FESI (Formation Evaluation Society of Indonesia) menawarkan
Scholarship bagi mahasiswa Geosciences di seluruh Indonesia, seperti
yang tercantum dalam pengumuman di bawah ini. Kami akan sangat
berterimakasih jika Mas Syaiful dapat memberi alamat email kontak
person dari PT di Indonesia yang dimiliki, khususnya yang mempunyai
Fakultas/Jurusan Geologi atau Geosciences (ITB, UNPAD, UPN, TRISAKTI,
UGM, UNDIP, UNHAS, UNSOED, dll). Mohon bantuan Bapak untuk dapat
menyebarluaskan pengumuman tsb di lingkungan IAGI juga. Attachment yg
ada berisi formulir dan alamat email korespondensi via email.

Atas perhatian dan bantuannya, kami sampaikan terima kasih.

Hormat Kami,

Ricky Adi Wibowo

FESI President 2009-2010


Dear Students,

The Formation Evaluation Society of Indonesia (FESI), an organization
dedicated to the science of formation evaluation in oil, gas, and
minerals applications, has funds available for scholarships and grants
to be awarded during 2009 - 2010.  FESI scholarships provide financial
assistance to qualified under-graduate students pursuing a study
program directly related to the science and application of formation

Applications for scholarships are presently being solicited for award
at the beginning of the 2010 spring term.  The deadline for receiving
applications for this award cycle is February 26, 2010, with all
supporting documents such as transcripts and letters of recommendation
received by FESI by March 15, 2010. A minimum of five FESI Scholarship
awards of Rp. 5.000.000 per year will be awarded. More awards may be
given at the discretion of the selection committee. The first five
awards will be complemented by a one year student subscription at the
SPWLA (Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts) of a value of
20 USD and a library DVD of technical papers published between 1960
and 2002, of a value of 100 USD.

Participation of your university in the FESI scholarship and grant
program is greatly appreciated.  We look forward to receiving
applications from interested student and/or faculty candidates in the
near future.

Very truly yours,

Ricky Wibowo

2009 - 2010 FESI President

PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
Ayo siapkan makalah....!!!!!
Untuk dipresentasikan di PIT ke-39 IAGI, Senggigi, Lombok NTB, 18-21 Oktober 
Deadline penyerahan makalah - 15 Februari 2010
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