Two Key Issues in Oil and Gas Policy (Wapres Budiono on IPA speech) :
• Securing economically optimum oil and gas production as part of total
supply of energy for, first, fulfilling domestic needs (growth objective)
and, second, exports (revenue objective).
• Ensuring pattern of energy consumption that supports maximum, cost
efficient, “clean”, economic growth.

On the Production Side, Policies Will Focus on:
• Reviving and accelerating exploration activities by reviewing the
incentives structure, streamlining regulations and eliminating
implementation bottlenecks.
• Setting up an effective system for monitoring of the progress of the
development of all significant fields in the national oil gas portfolio.

On the Consumption Side, Policies Will Focus on:
• Developing domestic infrastructure that will support optimum gas
utilization by domestic industries, power, transport and households.
• Designing Multiyear Plans toward rational, sustainable pricing system for
domestic fuels, gas, power and fertilizers. Hence, rational and sustainable
subsidy system.

You can do hard way or you can do smart way ... both ways need you to do it
any way ... not just discuss it in the hall way.

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