Saya agak gatel mendengar pemberitaan akhir-akhir ini di beberapa media TV dalam tayangan berita2 bencana di Teluk Meksiko; yang menyebutkan bahwa perusahaan minyak besar BP singkatan dari "British Petroleum". Bahkan saya pernah menyangkanya bahwa bahwa BP adalah singkatan "Beyond Petroleum". Memang semua nama2 tersebut pernah 'disandang'. Penasaran, akhirnya saya menanyakan - apa sih singkatan BP itu langsung ke web nya BP.

Ternyata BP bukanlah singkatan apa2 artinya BP ya disebut saja BP.

Jangan terlalu serius ditanggapi, mungkin sebutan2 ini atau hal semacam ini tidak penting dan tidak menarik bagi beberapa orang, tapi saya cuman 'gatel' dan 'risih' aja kalau ada yg menyebut sesuatu salah; seperti selama ini kita menyebut kata "PENGEBORAN" - kata Pak Yus Badudu (dulu) yg betul "PEMBORAN" sebab kata dasarnya BOR bukan "NGEBOR".

Berikut keterangan dari BP dibawah ini.

Salam & semoga bermanfaat,
Sad Agus

Dear Sad Agus

Re: Your request for information.

Thank you for contacting the BP Educational Team.
BP is not now an abbreviation for any words, the company’s name is simply BP p.l.c. The company that is now BP was founded by William Knox D'Arcy in 1909 as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company Limited and was the first to develop the Middle East’s oil reserves. In 1917 the company adopted ‘BP’ as its brand name to commercially market the company’s oil products and in 1954 the group changed its corporate name to The British Petroleum Company. The company was renamed BP Amoco in 1998 after the merger with Amoco. Following further amalgamations the name BP was adopted in 2001.

BP does not stand for “Beyond Petroleum” this has been used in publicity materials to describe BP’s commitment to the development of new ways in which to produce and supply oil and gas - through clean fuels, through greater efficiency and through substitution, particularly of gas for coal in the power sector, and through the development of new fuels that can begin to provide new choices.

Thank you for your interest in BP.

With best regards

BP Educational Service

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