Pak Budi,

apakah bisa memberikan informasi (waktu, tempat dan biaya pendaftaran) mengenai Post-Convention Short Course PIT-IAGI yang berjudul " Geochemistry and Petroleum System Analysis for Exploration and Production : The Most Essential Concepts and Methods " ?
Saya sudah kunjungi website PIT-IAGI tapi tidak menemukan informasi ini.


Wendi A

From: "Budi Ardiyana" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 September, 2010 15:34
To: <>
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Informasi Short Course IAGI 2010

Selamat Siang,

Saya ingin menginformasikan dalam PIT IAGI 2010 mendatang, Biro Kursus IAGI bekerja sama dengan Divisi MIGAS IAGI menyelenggarakan beberapa short course antara lain :

Untuk Pre-Convention Short Course :

1. " Introduction to Naturally Fractured Rock Characterization and Fluid Flow "
      oleh Ir. Benyamin Sapiie Ph.D.

      Durasi kursus : dua hari ( 21 - 22 November 2010 )
      Materi Kursus :
      - Introduction
      - Basic concept of fractures mechanism
      - Fractures types and classification
      - Fractures mapping and characterization
      - Fractures analysis and modelling
      - Basic concepts of fluid flow in fractures
      - Case study of natural fracture reservoir

2. " CoalBed Methane Technology, Development and Economics "
      oleh Prof. Dr. Ir. Doddy Abdassah

      Durasi Kursus : tiga hari ( 20 - 22 November 2010 )
      Materi Kursus :
      - Introduction
      - CBM Definition
      - Coal as reservoir rocks
      - Reservoir engineering
      - Drilling engineering
      - Production engineering
      - Enhanced CBM recovery
      - Plan of development
      - Environmental concerns
      - Economics of CBM projects
      - Case study

3. " The Essentials of The Indonesian Petroleum and Mining Economics "
      oleh Dr. H.L.Ong

      Durasi Kursus : dua hari ( 21 - 22 November 2010 )
      Materi Kursus :
      Hari pertama
      - Essence of the industry
      - Historical perspective and statistics
      - Price volatility and the gold industry
      - Reserve and depleted resources
      - Peak oil and peak mineral
      - GDP and subsidy
      - Alternative energy
      - Association for the Study of Peak Oil ( ASPO )
      Hari Kedua :
      - Data required for economics
      - Cash flow projections
      - Typical decision yardstick
         1. Accounting methods
         2. Discounted cash flow methods
      - Economic parameters
         1. Pay back and discounted pay back
         2. Net Present Value (NPV)
         3. Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
         4. Profitability Index (PI)
      - Risk and uncertainty
         1. Expected Value (EV)
      - Decision Tree

Untuk Post-Convention Short Course :

1. " Geochemistry and Petroleum System Analysis for Exploration
      and Production : The Most Essential Concepts and Methods "
      oleh Dr. Awang H. Satyana

      Durasi Kursus : dua hari ( 26 - 27 November 2010 )
      Materi Kursus :
      - Introduction petroleum system
      - Introduction Petroleum Geochemistry
      - Source Rock : Sedimentology & Geochemistry
      - Oil & Gas geochemistry
      - Reservoirs : Siliciclastics, Carbonate, Volcanoclastics, Basement
      - Sealing Rock : roles, characteristics, potential, capacity
      - Traps : structural, stratigraphic, hydrodinamic
      - Migration : primary, secondary, tertiary
      - Preservation of accumulation
      - Reservoir geochemistry for field development
      - Petroleum system risk analysis
      - Regional petroleum system of Indonesian Basins

untuk informasi lebih detail dan pendaftaran bisa dilihat di :

terima kasih.



PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
Ayo siapkan diri....!!!!!
Hadirilah PIT ke-39 IAGI, Senggigi, Lombok NTB, 22-25 November 2010
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