terimakasih, abah. wah, saya juga lupa, nanti saya carikan deh...

ayo, siapa lagi yg mau tahu dan hadir utk acara yg sempat kita
diskusikan rame2 sekian minggu lalu ini?


On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 9:57 AM, yanto R.Sumantri <yrs...@rad.net.id> wrote:
> Mas Ipul
> Insaya Allah saya akan hadir.
> Berapa
> Seminar Fee nya ?
> si Abah
>  Powered by
> Telkomsel BlackBerryŽ
>> -----Original
> Message-----
> From: mohammad syaiful
> <mohammadsyai...@gmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2010
> 14:11:52
>> To: IAGI Pusat<iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Reply-To: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
>> Cc: Wulandari
> Mandradewi<woellan_h...@yahoo.com>
>> Subject: [iagi-net-l]
>> Attachment]
>> wulan, catat nama saya sbg peserta ya.
>> ayo,
> kawan2 yg lain, mana nih?
>> salam,
>> syaiful
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From:
> Wulandari Mandradewi woellan_h...@yahoo.com
>>   *Indonesian Uranium*
> *From upstream to downstream*
>> Speaker : Dr. Achmad
> Sarwiyana Sastratenaya
>> Director, Nuclear Energy Development
> Centre
>> National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)
>> Date : Wednesday, 20 October 2010
>> Time :
> 11.00-14.00 WIB
>> Venue : Hotel Bumi Karsa, 2nd Floor,
> Drupadi/Subadara Room
>> Bidakara Complex, Jalan Gatot Subroto Kav
> 71-73, Jaksel
>>  Uranium has been a subject of hot
> discussion recently in Indonesia. The
>> issues on the Indonesia
> potential for uranium, possible production, and
>> the
> development plan of nuclear power plant have attracted attentions of
> many
>> stakeholders including pros and cons.
>> MGEI-IAGI proudly organizes this luncheon talk to
> introduce all aspects
>> of
>> uranium from the exploration
> potential, mining to its possible utilities
>> in
> Indonesia. The talk outlines will be:
>> 1. Uranium Characteristics
>> 2. Geology of
> uranium deposit
>> 3. Uranium resources, production and
> demand
>> 4. Uranium price
>> 5.
> Uranium in Indonesia
>> The
> speaker is a very experienced geologist working in the National
> Nuclear
>> Energy Agency (BATAN), who has been working in various
> stages of uranium
>> exploration and possible utilities, also
> writing and presenting some
>> technical publications related with
> uranium.
>> It is expected that participants
> will gain some information and have more
>> understanding  about
> uranium. This is intended as a preliminary program,
>> which could
> be folloed by more comprehensive workshop or seminar
> involving
>> more experts if necessary.
>> *For futher
> information, please kindly find the attachment or contact :*
>> *Sutarjo, Sekretariat IAGI/MGEI, Telp: 021-83702848, HP:
> 0811162476, email
>> :
>> iasgi...@cbn.net.id*
>> * <iasgi...@cbn.net.id>Alison Purba, HP: 0813 73 858588,
> email:
>> isonpu...@gmail.com*
>> *
> <isonpu...@gmail.com>Wulandari Mandradewi, HP: 0813 22 439749,
> email:
>> wulandari.mandrad...@gmail.com*
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> *
> *Regards,*
>> *Wulan*
>> __._,_.___
>> Attachment(s) from Wulandari Mandradewi
>> 1 of 1
> File(s)
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> sender<woellan_h...@yahoo.com?subject=mgei-iagi+luncheon+talk-indonesian+uranium>|
>> Reply
>> to
> group<berita_dari_...@yahoogroups.com?subject=mgei-iagi+luncheon+talk-indonesian+uranium>|
>> Reply
>> via web
> post<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/berita_dari_gea/post;_ylc=X3oDMTJxaXViOG9hBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEyMzQzNDAEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDQzNDY0BG1zZ0lkAzEzMDQwBHNlYwNmdHIEc2xrA3JwbHkEc3RpbWUDMTI4NzAzOTU0MQ--?act=reply&messageNum=13040>|
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>> a New
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>> __,_._,___
>> --
>> Mohammad Syaiful - Explorationist, Consultant
> Geologist
>> Mobile: 62-812-9372808
>> Emails:
> msyai...@etti.co.id (business)
>> mohammadsyai...@gmail.com
>> Technical Manager of
>> Exploration Think Tank
> Indonesia (ETTI)
> --
> _______________________________________________
> Nganyerikeun hate
> batur hirupna mo bisa campur, ngangeunahkeun hate jalma hirupna pada
> ngupama , Elmu tungtut dunya siar Ibadah kudu lakonan.
> --
> _______________________________________________
> Nganyerikeun hate
> batur hirupna mo bisa campur, ngangeunahkeun hate jalma hirupna pada
> ngupama , Elmu tungtut dunya siar Ibadah kudu lakonan.

Mohammad Syaiful - Explorationist, Consultant Geologist
Mobile: 62-812-9372808
msyai...@etti.co.id (business)

Technical Manager of
Exploration Think Tank Indonesia (ETTI)

PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT, lam...@gc.itb.ac.id
sekjen: MOHAMMAD SYAIFUL, mohammadsyai...@gmail.com
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
Ayo siapkan diri....!!!!!
Hadirilah PIT ke-39 IAGI, Senggigi, Lombok NTB, 22-25 November 2010
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