Ketika penduduk Jakarta banyak yang terlambat pulang ke rumah sampai tengah 
malam/dini hari karena dihadang banjir di mana-mana, pada saat yang sama 
penduduk pulau-pulau sebelah selatan Mentawai diserbu tsunami yang menyerbu 
kampung-kampung mereka.
Gempa Mentawai (Pagai selatan) 25 Oktober 2010 pukul 21.42.22 WIB semalam, 
meskipun sempat menimbulkan perdebatan yang menyebabkan 
dicabutnya peringatan tsunami, jelas tsunamigenic earthquake. Keempat syaratnya 
dipenuhi: 1. gempa berepisentrum di laut, 2. pematahannya vertikal (thrust, 
reverse, normal faults), 3. kedalamannya dangkal (<30 km), dan 4. magnitudenya 
termasuk besar (>7,0 M).
Episentrum gempa berlokasi di 3.484 S dan 100.114 E (sebelah selatan Pulau 
Pagai, Mentawai; 280 km selatan Padang), pematahan gempa berdasarkan solusi 
momen tensor adalah sesar anjak (thrust) dengan jurus UBL-STenggara (326 deg 
NE, dip 12 deg), kedalaman 20,6 km dan magnitude 7,7 M. mencatat tinggi run up tsunami 2,0 meter dan sebuah TV sore ini 
melaporkan 23 orang tewas dan lebih dari 100 orang hilang tersapu gelombang.
Melihat arah jurus pematahan batuan yang UBL-STenggara dan slip sesar naik  
dengan jelas menunjukkan bahwa gempa kemarin masih satu kelompok dengan 
gempa-gempa besar di wilayah ini sejak gempa Aceh Desember 2004. Kedalaman 
gempa dan posisi episentrum di selatan Pagai menunjukkan bahwa pematahan hampir 
terjadi di batas lempeng (interface) antara lempeng samudera Hindia dan kerak 
akresi sebelah barat Sumatra. Konvergensi kedua lempeng di sini berjalan dengan 
kecepatan 57-69 mm/tahun. Dalam konvergensi ini sering terjadi pematahan batuan 
secara sesar naik sebagai bagian deformasi di prisma akresi. Zone ini kaya 
gempa dan telah menimbulkan rupture zone yang luas dari Aceh ke Bengkulu. 
Lokasi episentrum gempa yang sekarang terjadi di dekat lokasi episentrum gempa 
bermagnitude 8,5 dan 7,9 Mw pada September 2007, terjadi di rupture zone kedua 
gempa tiga tahun yang lalu itu. Gempa Aceh 9,1 M pada Desember 2004, 800 km ke 
arah utara dari gempa semalam, gempa Nias 8,6 M pada 2005, 700 km ke arah 
utara, dan gempa Padang tahun 2009 yang lalu (7,5 M) 300 km ke arah utara dari 
episentrum gempa semalam berada di rupture zone yang sama. Juga gempa 
semalam berlokasi di rupture zone gempa 8,7-8,9 Mw tahun 1797 dan gempa 8,9-9,1 
Mw tahun 1833.
Hati-hati, untuk semua penduduk di pulau-pulau sebelah barat Sumatera dan 
pantai barat Sumatera, mereka bersebelahan atau berlokasi di dalam rupture zone 
gempa-gempa besar sejak 220 tahun yang lalu sepanjang sekitar 1200 km, dan 
banyak gempa di sini berhubungan dengan mekanisme penyesaran naik 
(Sunda-megathrust) yang kerap menyebabkan tsunami kalau episetrumnya di laut...
Ada peringatan tsunami atau tidak, bila di pantai terasa gempa, segeralah lari 
menuju tempat tinggi dan tunggu satu-dua jam di sana sebelum situasi 
benar-benar aman...

--- Pada Sel, 26/10/10, Rovicky Dwi Putrohari <> menulis:

Dari: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari <>
Judul: [Forum-HAGI] Indonesia tsunami kills 23, leaves scores missing
Kepada: "IAGI" <>, "Forum HAGI" <>,, "MBencana" <>, "MJBP" 
Tanggal: Selasa, 26 Oktober, 2010, 5:06 PM

Indonesia tsunami kills 23, leaves scores missing

By NINIEK KARMINI, Associated Press Niniek Karmini, Associated Press 21 mins ago

AKARTA, Indonesia – A powerful earthquake triggered a tsunami that pounded 
villages on remote islands off western Indonesia, killing at least 23 people 
and leaving more than 160 others missing, witnesses and officials said Tuesday.

The death toll from the 7.7-magnitude quake, which struck 13 miles (20 
kilometers) beneath the ocean floor late Monday, was expected to climb with 
reports about damage and injuries just starting to trickle in the next day.

Mujiharto, who heads the Health Ministry's crisis center, said a 10-foot 
(three-meter) -high wave washed away hundreds of houses on Pagai and Silabu, 
part of the remote and sparsely populated Mentawai island chain.

"We have 200 body bags on the way, just in case," he said.

Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago, is prone to earthquakes and 
volcanic activity due to its location on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire.

The fault that ruptured Monday, running the length of the west coast of Sumatra 
island, also caused the 9.1-magnitude quake that unleashed a monster tsunami 
around the Indian Ocean in 2004, killing 230,000 people in a dozen countries.

Getting to the Mentawais, a popular surfing spot 175 miles (280 kilometers) 
from the Sumatra coast takes 12 hours and the islands are reachable only by 

A group of Australians said they were hanging out on the back deck of their 
chartered surfing vessel, anchored in a nearby bay, when the temblor hit. It 
generated a wave that caused them to smash into a neighboring boat, and before 
they knew it, a fire was ripping through their cabin.

"We threw whatever we could that floated — surfboards, fenders — then we jumped 
into the water," Rick Hallet told Australia's Nine Network. "Fortunately, most 
of us had something to hold on to ... and we just washed in the wetlands, and 
scrambled up the highest trees that we could possibly find and sat up there for 
an hour and a half."

By daytime Tuesday, the toll from the quake and tsunami was rising.

Ade Edward, a disaster management agency official, said 23 bodies were found in 
coastal villages — mostly on the hardest hit island of Pagai — and another 167 
people were missing.

Water in some places reached roof tops, and in Muntei Baru, a village on 
Silabu, 80 percent of the houses were damaged.

Some 3,000 people were seeking shelter Tuesday in emergency camps, Edward said, 
and the crews from several ships were still unaccounted for in the Indian Ocean.

The quake also jolted towns along Sumatra's western coast — including Padang, 
which last year was hit by a deadly 7.6-magninuted tremor that killed more than 
700. Mosques blared tsunami warnings over their loudspeakers.

"Everyone was running out of their houses," said Sofyan Alawi, adding that the 
roads leading to surrounding hills were quickly jammed with thousands of cars 
and motorcycles.

"We kept looking back to see if a wave was coming," said 28-year-old resident 
Ade Syahputra.


Associated Press writer Irwan Firdaus contributed to this report.

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