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From: yaniar...@gmail.com
To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
ReplyTo: yaniar...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
Sent: Nov 26, 2010 15:49

Great ! Ikut seneng dan bangga Man.. !

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-----Original Message-----
From: "F. Hasan Sidi" <fhs...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 14:53:01 
To: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
Reply-To: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG’s highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year’s awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton’s achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association’s
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master’s students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG’s newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, 

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

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