Congratulation to Geovani & Guruh .....:)

On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Edison Sirodj <> wrote:

>  selamat Guruh...terus berinovasi walau sibuk dgn kerjaan..
> Edison sirodj
> Sent from my iPad
> On May 6, 2011, at 21:50, <> wrote:
>   Rekan-rekan IAGI,
> AAPG Asia Pacific memberikan penghargaan kepada 3 rekan kita. Selamat untuk
> Geovani, Agus dan Guruh; kalian memberikan citra yang baik untuk Indonesia.
> Rinciannya adalah seperti di bawah ini.
> Salam,
> Herman
> -----------
> The Asia-Pacific Regional Council is pleased to award their first Certificates
> of Recognition for outstanding service to:
> *Geovani Christopher: **For services rendered to the AAPG **Asia Pacific
> Region** as Student Chapter Manager since 2006*
> *Agus M Ustad: **For services rendered to the AAPG Asia Pacific Region as
> Website Manager since 2007*
> *Guruh Ferdyanto: **For services rendered to the AAPG Asia Pacific Region
> as Distinguished Lecturer/Visiting Geoscientist Manager since 2008*
> Congratulations!!! We are very appreciative of your hard work and solid
> efforts.

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