Ini cerita geopolitik beneran.Diambil dari koran the Guardian.
Menakjubkan, Bahrain yang bertetangga dengan North Field (the biggest gas field 
in the world, kebetulan tempat saya jadi buruh cangkul) kudu cari gas sampai ke 
Russia segala. Sementara negara teluk tetangga lain beli gas asal Qatar di 

- - - - -Qatari gasReuters, Wednesday March 7 2012* Gas demand in Gulf rising 
rapidly* But politics hinder regional pipeline project* Countries forced to 
ship in LNG from across world* Qatar moratorium on additional exports may last 
years* Governments losing money on domestic gas subsidies
By Daniel FinerenDUBAI, March 7 (Reuters) - Countries neighbouring the world's 
biggest natural gas field in the Gulf face years of importing fuel by ship from 
distant suppliers, after plans to share the gas through a pipeline were stifled 
by political rivalries and haggling over price.Qatar has become one of world's 
richest countries by selling gas from the vast North Field under its waters to 
Europe, Asia and the Americas -- bankrolling its preparations to host the 2022 
World Cup soccer tournament with some of the profits.Long before Qatar spent 
billions of dollars on building the world's biggest liquefied natural gas (LNG) 
plants to export the fuel, it began discussing with the other five countries in 
the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) -- Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia and 
the United Arab Emirates -- the idea of creating a gas sharing grid to drive 
economic growth in the region.But over a decade later, only one under-used leg 
of the grid has been
 built. And Qatar has now committed itself to selling nearly all its gas to 
countries outside the Gulf, until it lifts a self-imposed moratorium on further 
export projects."The perception across the Gulf in the early part of the last 
decade was that there was not a gas shortage, and by the time a number of 
countries realised that they would be short, Qatar had called the moratorium 
and committed its gas," a senior source in Qatar's gas industry told 
Reuters."Until the middle of the last decade, people were still expecting to 
get gas at very low prices," said the source, who declined to be identified 
because of the political sensitivity of the issue."People realise now that if 
they are going to have gas traded across (the Gulf), then it's not going to be 
at low prices...For Qatar it's not really a price issue -- until the moratorium 
is lifted, there isn't any gas."DEMANDFor decades, Gulf countries saw natural 
gas largely as a byproduct of their oil
 production, with much of it burned off or sold cheaply to local industries. 
Gas became eagerly sought-after in the region over the past decade as a 
population boom drove up demand for electricity and industries such as 
petrochemicals and aluminium smelting developed.Saudi Arabia continues to burn 
large quantities of its oil reserves in power plants, but its less well-endowed 
neighbours want to burn more gas so they can keep oil for export. As a result, 
the International Energy Agency expects the Middle East to account for a fifth 
of the growth in global gas demand between 2011 and 2016.Sharing Qatar's huge 
gas reserves could have provided the GCC with a convenient solution to its 
supply problems and helped the integration of its economies, one of the 
organisation's stated goals. Instead, politics intervened.According to 
diplomatic cables from the U.S. embassy in Manama on Feb. 16, 2005, released by 
Wikileaks, Bahrain's King Hamad complained to the U.S.
 ambassador that Saudi Arabia was blocking a proposed pipeline from Qatar to 
Kuwait via Bahrain.Manama appealed to Washington to pressure Riyadh to let 
Kuwait and Bahrain link to the North Field. But the project was dead in the 
water, leaving Kuwait no choice but to find global suppliers to ship LNG into 
the Gulf from as far afield as Australia.Meanwhile, Bahrain is in talks for 
Russian gas giant Gazprom to supply the tiny island, which is located just 100 
km (60 miles) from the North Field, with LNG from around the world.In one of 
great oddities of world trade, cargoes of Qatari LNG have even been delivered 
to northwest Europe, then reloaded and shipped back to the Gulf in a round trip 
of over 26,000 km, because prices on offer in the Gulf were higher at the 
time."Politics is a big part of it," said Robin Mills of Dubai-based Manaar 
Energy Consulting.Analysts believe Saudi Arabia, which had already decided to 
look for its own gas under the sand dunes of
 its Empty Quarter rather than rely on Qatar, probably blocked the GCC pipeline 
from running alongside its east coast because it would have given Doha too much 
power over GCC countries."They don't want Qatar to increase its regional 
economic and political influence, possibly to the detriment of their own," said 
Jonathan Stern, director of gas research at the Oxford Institute of Energy 
Studies."The reason they don't import Qatari gas themselves -- a highly 
sensible idea for them -- is partly because they don't want to give the Qataris 
any power over them."According to U.S. embassy cables released by Wikileaks, 
Bahrain and Kuwait at one stage began supply negotiations with Iran in the hope 
that Saudi Arabia would see the proposed Qatari pipeline as less threatening 
than a deal with Tehran, which is Riyadh's biggest rival in OPEC.That tactic 
failed, however. Iran's own appetite for its reserves, including a share in the 
North Field which Tehran calls the
 South Pars, and international sanctions against Iran have slowed production 
growth, limiting the country's exports.Bahrain's energy minister Abdul Hussein 
bin Ali Mirza told Reuters that talks with Iran fell apart because of "recent 
events" in the region. Bahrain accuses Iran of fomenting a February 2011 
uprising against the government.The only gas pipeline that Iran has laid, to 
the UAE, has remained closed for years since it started leaking gas at the 
bottom of the Gulf during initial tests.In the absence of a pipeline, Gulf 
countries could still import Qatari LNG by ship. But with the exception of the 
UAE, they have generally failed to agree on terms, generating some ill feeling 
in the region."Qatar has continued to rebuff Bahraini requests to open 
negotiations on long-term contracts for North Field gas, which irks King Hamad 
-- first, because Bahrain needs additional energy supply, and second, because 
it is taken as a personal slight," read a
 January 2010 U.S. embassy cable sent after another meeting with the 
king."Qatar is seen as turning its back on a GCC partner in need while at the 
same time concluding new gas supply contracts with a host of other 
non-Arabs."DOLPHINOn the east side of the Qatari peninsula, and beyond Saudi 
Arabia's territorial waters, the Dolphin Energy pipeline -- the only 
cross-border gas line that the GCC countries have been cooperative enough to 
build -- carries some 2 billion cubic feet a day of gas from Qatar to the 
UAE.Half of the gas is burned within metres of its arrival in the UAE, in order 
to boil brine into drinking water, power the world's biggest aluminium plant 
and generate electricity to keep Abu Dhabi residents cool during the searing 
summers.The remainder of the gas is pumped to other plants in the desert. Some 
even makes it as far as Oman, an LNG exporter which is struggling to cope with 
soaring domestic demand for the fuel.But the Dolphin line is
 still only used at two-thirds of its capacity because buyers in the UAE would 
not agree to Doha's price demands. It is now too late for further price 
negotiations because of Qatar's moratorium on further export projects."The 
pipeline still has extra capacity, but we have no plans to increase" supply, 
Dolphin Energy's Qatar General Manager Adel Ahmed Albuainain told Reuters. "As 
soon as we have more gas available, we will be more than happy to do 
that...There are lots of demands in the UAE...but we can only provide what we 
have."Qatar has frozen further development of the North Field for export to 
conserve it for future generations, out of concern that over-exploitation could 
cause long-term damage. The moratorium is not expected by industry experts to 
be lifted until 2014-15 at the earliest


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